
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_iymtr4j wrote

Ps5 or Xbox series x. Depends on what controller and interface you like more, also the Xbox series X is easier to get. Xbox series X is £449, ps5 is around £500 and Xbox series s ( watered down version of the series X but still great) £249


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iymse3h wrote

I mean the ps5 is out of stock nearly everywhere here but the series X is readily available in every store, so I think Xbox might come out next year possibly, but idk. The cheapest Xbox is from Argos for £449 Vs the ps5 from John Lewis/marks and Spencers for £600 with mw2, GOW Ragnarok and FW. But i feel like there was no point selling my pc just to get a console for nearly the same amount (ps5) so idk


NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iymqguy wrote

I have a custom Xbox controller anyways, and I've had gamepass before, and there are quite a few games I like. But I just hate the ps5 controller tbh, and I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda an Xbox fan boy, but i want to get the best one. Also keep in mind the ps5 is more expensive (extra 100). I do really wanna play some ps exclusives tho. I've heard a leak of a new Xbox series X and ps5 pro next year, should I wait for those instead?