NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d5eak wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in xbox series s by [deleted]
Piss take? It's a diskless console, and you've got a disk. No matter what company you'd buy from, it'd be the same. Also it's like £8, just rebuy it
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d59zq wrote
Reply to xbox series s by [deleted]
It's like £10 bro
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j08qq6y wrote
Reply to Goint to get a Switch or not? by West-Desk3082
Steam deck, unless if you don't like the games on there
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j05x28p wrote
Reply to comment by Joshooahh in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
I posted again, cause earlier you gave me a dumb answer, saying to get pc
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j05x1ep wrote
Reply to comment by yaboyyake in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
I'm asking others opinions, and I keep posting, as people like you don't actually answer
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j05wqdw wrote
Reply to comment by toofarquad in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
I'm defo not getting a PS4, i don't want last gen stuff. I actually sold my pc with an rtx3070 for 1.1k to get a console, as pc isn't for me. I would get the series x, but I'm scared that if it breaks, I've lost £450: Vs where if the series s breaks, I've lost £199 only
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j03x8wa wrote
Reply to comment by Joshooahh in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
Series s or X?
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j03wluy wrote
Reply to comment by Joshooahh in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
I'm asking in the console sub, as I want a console not a pc!
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j03wfai wrote
Reply to comment by Anubra_Khan in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
I actually sold my pc for 1.1k to get a console, as pc isn't for me. Also i can't get a TV due to space, so I'm playing on a 1080p 144hz monitor
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j03vzgz wrote
Reply to comment by Joshooahh in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
I said in the post I play at 1080p on a monitor, as I don't have space for a TV, so I'm gonna be playing at 1080p
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j03vlba wrote
Reply to comment by Joshooahh in Is it worth getting a ps5 and series X? by [deleted]
I'm asking other people what they'd do if they were in my position
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izxha4m wrote
Reply to comment by philthevoid83 in Is it worth having an XSX and PS5? by NecessaryQueasy6894
I'm talking about like 10 years ago, and it was back in the day for me, as I'm not 50 years old
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izwp6lb wrote
Reply to comment by AppleBalloonGet in Is it worth having an XSX and PS5? by NecessaryQueasy6894
I heard that there's an xsx pro/PS5 pro type of thing possibly coming out next year. Do i get the xsx now or wait for a pro version?
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izwk21r wrote
Reply to comment by philthevoid83 in Is it worth having an XSX and PS5? by NecessaryQueasy6894
I do, but I'm just lucky enough to be able to afford both. Back in the days, I couldnt even afford the 360
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izwdcu2 wrote
Reply to comment by Jsquaredkb in Xbox series X Vs PS5 Vs series s by NecessaryQueasy6894
Why'd you replace the X?
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izwdb13 wrote
Reply to comment by Elitrical in Is it worth having an XSX and PS5? by NecessaryQueasy6894
Alright, btw, how long do both consoles last? For some reason I'm kinda scared that they're gonna break very fast, but how common is it?
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izwcma1 wrote
Reply to comment by outatime__85 in Is it worth having an XSX and PS5? by NecessaryQueasy6894
There's also a digital one for £150 cheaper, which do I pick?
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izukb22 wrote
Reply to comment by itshukokay in Is it worth having an XSX and PS5? by NecessaryQueasy6894
Nope, and never had any ps console
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_izitj7b wrote
Reply to comment by penzos in Xbox series X Vs ps5 by NecessaryQueasy6894
🤣 if you think fanbase doesn't matter you're delusional, that's a very important aspect, especially online. also i never said I chose based on looks, but overall I prefer the Xbox look, doesn't mean that's the reason I chose it. You sound like a dumb ps fanboy. 🤣🤣🤣Wanker
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz6vqop wrote
Reply to comment by Effective-Heart8931 in Do i get a PS5 just for the controller? by NecessaryQueasy6894
I just wanted the PS5 controller it anything but thanks still lol
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz6tlmj wrote
Reply to comment by steve-dearsley in Do i get a PS5 just for the controller? by NecessaryQueasy6894
Yeah, and I got 1k for my pc, so ima get the Xbox and if I don't like it, I'll just buy a PS5 too
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz6qlhb wrote
Reply to comment by steve-dearsley in Do i get a PS5 just for the controller? by NecessaryQueasy6894
I mean yeah controller is better on the PS5, but overall I think the Xbox is better. I think ima go for the Xbox
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz6m5qc wrote
Reply to comment by Sea-Anywhere-799 in Do i get a PS5 just for the controller? by NecessaryQueasy6894
I've decided but haven't bought it yet so still asking for opinions. Also tbh I don't have anything against either but ps do have a very toxic 12 year old fanbase, the older ppl are normally chill, but the young fanbase is something I don't wanna touch
NecessaryQueasy6894 OP t1_iz638ub wrote
Reply to comment by TheTopGee in Do i get a PS5 just for the controller? by NecessaryQueasy6894
I think ima go for Xbox, just as my brother has it, it's built better, idc about the exclusives (70 each anyways lmao) and the controller layout might be bad for small hands
NecessaryQueasy6894 t1_j0d5gai wrote
Reply to comment by Kear_Bear_3747 in xbox series s by [deleted]
I mean it's £199, what do you expect?