Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbh822q wrote
Reply to comment by TheTowerBard in A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
VT does not exist in a vacuum, as much as some of us would like it to. When climate change destabilizes the world, VT is not going to be safe, it's going to be overrun.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbh7wah wrote
Reply to comment by Optimized_Orangutan in A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
The word is out, the jersey gentrification is on, vt is dead and gone. Even the relatively chill VT of 2015 is gone. Now it's big money, big entitlement.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbh7pej wrote
Reply to comment by mcnut14 in A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
It is for them, they have the cash.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbgw2nv wrote
Reply to comment by Uralldicksipromise in looking for rental info! Golden nuggets! by Remi-Valentine
That sucks. Sorry to hear that. This sort of thing points at a really bleak future for VT.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbgnsb2 wrote
Reply to comment by vermont4runner in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
Not sure why this gets down voted, other than the gun thing. VT is not scary at all, no need to be armed. It's Church St, not Bakhmut. Everything else about this is spot in.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbgnfph wrote
Reply to comment by Careful_Bridge4393 in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
Except it's only "beautiful" compared to New Jersey. It's not like VT is Montana.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbgn5ru wrote
Reply to comment by anusty in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
You forgot trustfund.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbgmw6s wrote
Reply to comment by RoyalIndependence500 in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
If you have a work from home job or a trustfund. If one of the "ingredients to make a good life" is stable housing, that is not attainable for those of us living on wages we earn here.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbgmlpu wrote
Reply to comment by Full_Whereas_2694 in Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
This is not going to be fixed. Either VT completely transforms into NJ/southern New England or it dies. We are headed to the whole state being a version of stowe. Old, white, and rich.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbfiawu wrote
Reply to A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
We've always been the destination for crunchy hippie types with lots of money in the northeast. It's not a new thing, work from home just totally ruined the state. If we had people of all different types moving here for jobs, that would be great. We don't. We have rich white people from NJ and that's about it.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbfh9lu wrote
Reply to USPS again by rchhe
One can imagine a post office where there are only a couple of employees and they are in their 70s. This is the future of VT. We can't have services if we don't have houses for the people who provide those services.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbfgeys wrote
Reply to Need some Vermonter words of affirmation by xohannasunx
Would not move to VT. Looking to leave. It is becoming a very homogenous place where people have lots of money and lots of entitlement. You will not be able to pay for housing on money you earn here. If you don't have additional income, I would not recommend coming.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sz8sg wrote
Reply to comment by RoadFlustered in Vermont’s rates of homelessness are (almost) the worst in the country by DaddyBobMN
Huh, must have missed that one. From one piece of shit to another, I hope you are able to work off your trust fund and feel better.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7svdji wrote
Reply to comment by RoadFlustered in Vermont’s rates of homelessness are (almost) the worst in the country by DaddyBobMN
I'm sorry to hear that happened, but it didn't happen in Vermont.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7snd9c wrote
Reply to comment by they_have_no_bullets in Vermont’s rates of homelessness are (almost) the worst in the country by DaddyBobMN
I think there's a specific reason VT is "the only state that's trying" related to the amount of funding per capita but I don't disagree.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7smaua wrote
Reply to comment by QualityRescue in Vermont’s rates of homelessness are (almost) the worst in the country by DaddyBobMN
I think so? Thanks for checking!
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sjurs wrote
Reply to comment by hippiepotluck in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
It definitely felt weird.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7shjpc wrote
Reply to comment by IAmAnthem in What's going on with the F35s?! by WheezeThaJuice
Haha damn. I bet. We used to have other jets, and the city airport flight path is right over head. You better hope you don't get F-35s. Idk how they compare to artillery so I may be wrong. Passenger planes are not so bad. The old jets were loud. They were F-16 or F-14 I think. F-35 is a whole other thing.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sggl7 wrote
Reply to comment by hippiepotluck in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Manchester is like stowe. It's technically in Vermont but it in no way resembles Vermont. I went there for the first time recently (grew up in northern VT). Holy shit. Such a strange place. I absolutely do not see the attraction to places like that. The Lincoln stuff is cool, I guess. Otherwise, eww.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sfbaw wrote
Reply to comment by idreamofchickpea in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Across the lake houses can be had for under $100k.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sf75o wrote
Reply to comment by Hellrazor32 in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
That's the difference. In California it's big news all the time. Obviously they have a ton of unhoused people and that forces the issue but California is taking real steps, like penalizing towns that don't build affordable housing, that VT will never take. Just like back in the day when stowe went nuts over the education spending law, wealthy VT will never build for real people.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7ser2j wrote
Reply to comment by goldenlight18 in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Stumbled into? I get where you're going with this and I don't totally disagree but people moving here can't be oblivious to what's going on.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sapmr wrote
Reply to comment by sixteenandseven in Vermont’s rates of homelessness are (almost) the worst in the country by DaddyBobMN
Lol, it's a reddit fight. I don't care. I could have been more clear, sure. My apologies. It does sound arrogant to say I know more but in this case I do. There's some nonsense in the original post about an emergency housing board. That doesn't exist. Lots of sort of correct info in this thread. It's funny.
The self righteousness is a little much.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7s9x7z wrote
Reply to comment by RoadFlustered in Vermont’s rates of homelessness are (almost) the worst in the country by DaddyBobMN
Ha! Likewise bro. You're making shit up. If you're an advocate you're doing more harm than good. When people who know this stuff hear you talking about people dying in the elements, they know you're full of shit. That hasn't happened in a decade or more. Another clueless person on a self righteous rant. When did you get here from jersey?
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_jbh88wg wrote
Reply to comment by Saguache in A questions to Vermonters by RZRPRINCESS
#5... True, but the wages here are equivalent to Mississippi with a California cost of living. Those west coast cities are a lot more affordable. And there are presumably people there who aren't old, rich and white, which you will not find in VT.