Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j73rr8v wrote
Reply to comment by DCtoMe in As homelessness crisis deepens, rural children pay the price by FearandLoathinginBTV
And then watch them become Air Bn Bs or be bought up by hedge funds. NIMBYism has definitely hurt housing very badly but America's predilection for allowing rich people to fuck everyone else over hasn't helped.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j73r5hd wrote
Reply to comment by Mr-Bovine_Joni in As homelessness crisis deepens, rural children pay the price by FearandLoathinginBTV
My understanding is once you get through the NIMBY Act 250 lawsuits, the only feasible build is Mc Mansions.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7387ss wrote
Reply to comment by GrubSprings in Musings on solution to housing crisis while driving around VT. by woburnite
Yeah totally. For seasonal, young employees, Im sure it's fun. Not a solution for career employees.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7055ue wrote
Reply to comment by Full_Whereas_2694 in Musings on solution to housing crisis while driving around VT. by woburnite
On for sure. I would tax the shit out of homes and Air BnB's especially to a point they're not worth it. Exceptions for things like deer camps. But none of that is going to fix it. We can't build enough. Even if we build, whats to stop them just being snapped up by work from home types moving here and out bidding locals? We had a demographic problem before covid. Seems unfixable
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j700hsj wrote
Reply to comment by Moth4Moth in How to Help Squirrels Stay Warm? by ThatWillIgnite
They're pretty nuts sober. Just don't give them any strong acid.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j6zz31f wrote
Reply to comment by lottabigbluewater in Musings on solution to housing crisis while driving around VT. by woburnite
They'd be Air BnB's in a week. " Come stay in a barn outside Stowe! Only $ 1K per night ! "
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j6zyx5o wrote
Reply to comment by CowHuman7223 in Musings on solution to housing crisis while driving around VT. by woburnite
Not as dystopian as employer dorms. Talk about serfs...
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j6zyrai wrote
Reply to comment by Full_Whereas_2694 in Musings on solution to housing crisis while driving around VT. by woburnite
20k people moved here since 2020, that didn't help. There's no building out of this. I think as quality of life declines for all but the 10%, population will stagnate and economic growth will stop because there's no workforce. At the same time lots of old people will be dying. After a period of pain, VT could emerge from this a decent place again in a couple of decades. State estimates are around 30,000 units in the next 5-10 years. Thats almost another Burlington. It ain't happening. services will drop as the workforce hollows out. Remember, every household working from home is housing not going to someone cutting your hair, selling you groceries, delivering your mail, etc. It's already bad. Can't imagine how it won't get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j6zsqm8 wrote
Reply to comment by Moth4Moth in How to Help Squirrels Stay Warm? by ThatWillIgnite
I just feel like animals like city squirrels, city raccoons, pigeons, etc. are already adapted to humans and depend on them for food to some degree. Whereas w/ bears and wolves, etc, we try very hard to avoid that. I could be completely wrong. I do leave nuts outside for squirrels sometimes but I live in urban VT. seemed like a bird feeder to me. I put water out on hot days, they seem to like that. Again, could totally be wrong.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j6z07zo wrote
Reply to comment by Moth4Moth in How to Help Squirrels Stay Warm? by ThatWillIgnite
I can see not feeding bears, but depending on where you are, some squirrels exist on bird food. I feel like feeding a city squirrel isn't a big deal. Could be wrong.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j6yspho wrote
Reply to comment by timberwolf0122 in I see the problem as being much more then this one private contract by RamaSchneider
It's crazy they can do this. I work for the state and our conflict of interest rules would never allow anything close to that.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j604mkz wrote
Reply to Teacher moving to VT by thebaerfetus
Unfortunately, they don't. You are exactly the kind of person we need moving here, instead we're filling up w/ trustafarians/ work from home financial services types. Don't move here, move somewhere cool that wants you. VT is snotty, rich, and ruined post covid.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j5z6pd2 wrote
I don't see self defense being banned. I see weak people being deprived of a way to feel powerful. If you're too scared to go out without a gun, just stay home and maybe try online therapy to quit being such a wuss.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j5m1w2x wrote
Reply to comment by gangbangstripperelf in Is USPS okay? by WingsOfFireAndCake
Yeah cause corporate America does such a great job. Maybe USPS can be like Southwest or Ticket Master. We get what we pay for with government. Give them a shoestring budget, get bad service.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j5m1iev wrote
Reply to comment by meshycat in Is USPS okay? by WingsOfFireAndCake
Some in state gov't. About 1/3 staff. I'm sure everything you list (wages, etc) is true. It's also demographics. If we don't give into the hordes and build sprawl to accomodate the work From home crowd, it's hard to see how anyone will be getting mail, buying groceries, getting a haircut, seeing a doctor, etc in a short time.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4ntu0t wrote
Reply to comment by Hellrazor32 in Decentering Whiteness in Hiking and Fostering Inclusivity Outdoors by honeybeedreams
I'm sure they are. I can't imagine non white people feel comfortable anywhere in VT.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4m9wap wrote
Reply to comment by Simple-Acanthaceae-4 in I used an AI to try and create the Quintessential Vermonter.i know about 3 people who look like this guy. How did the AI and I do? by The_Barbelo
fair enough.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4m9g52 wrote
Reply to comment by a_toadstool in Decentering Whiteness in Hiking and Fostering Inclusivity Outdoors by honeybeedreams
Oh yeah, for sure. That sounds more like backpacking to me, which is definitely way more expensive. When I say hiking is cheap, I mean a summer/fall day hike.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4m93ux wrote
Reply to comment by KITTYONFYRE in Rutland school board settles on ‘Rutland’ as the name for school sports teams - VTDigger by Loudergood
The few times I've been recently were definitely not great.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4ldmsn wrote
Reply to comment by KITTYONFYRE in Rutland school board settles on ‘Rutland’ as the name for school sports teams - VTDigger by Loudergood
I'm from northern VT. As little as possible.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4ldhq8 wrote
Reply to comment by a_toadstool in Decentering Whiteness in Hiking and Fostering Inclusivity Outdoors by honeybeedreams
Yeah, winter is definitely not cheap. You don't need 40 lbs of gear in the winter, let alone the summer.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4lbmx2 wrote
Reply to comment by Hellrazor32 in Decentering Whiteness in Hiking and Fostering Inclusivity Outdoors by honeybeedreams
Calling police? What??? Calling police bc someone is hiking a trail would be certifiable. If you took my comment as defensive... IDK. People tire of lectures from young, rich white kids. Sorry.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4grizz wrote
Reply to comment by Hellrazor32 in Decentering Whiteness in Hiking and Fostering Inclusivity Outdoors by honeybeedreams
I personally am not going to assume I know what makes strangers comfortable. When I see black people on the trail, I react as I would to anyone else, which is to say" Hello" as we're passing each other. Usually me going up, them on their way down. I think black people are as complicated as anyone else. Beyond basic decency, what makes one person comfortable may make another very uncomfortable. I'm not going to force a conversation w/ someone because of their race. Especially not in a place where most people go to relax. stuff like "prioritize their comfort" seems like empty virtue signalling.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4gpodg wrote
Reply to comment by nolyfe27 in Decentering Whiteness in Hiking and Fostering Inclusivity Outdoors by honeybeedreams
Of all outdoor sports, hiking is pretty cheap. You don't need much in VT. Our hikes are generally not more than a couple miles from a road. You''re not going on a wilderness expidition in VT. Decent footwear and a water bottle should do it. A headlamp doesn't hurt. No need For GPS on a 2 mile out and back trail.
Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j73s14f wrote
Reply to comment by LetsGoHome in As homelessness crisis deepens, rural children pay the price by FearandLoathinginBTV
Not even a little. It years of bad policy (Act 250), years of NIMBYism and then rapid gentrification since 2020.