Needleroozer OP t1_jd8r54e wrote
Reply to comment by Diabotek in LPT: If you're buying a house still under construction, photograph everything before the sheetrock goes up. Knowing exactly where the pipes, wires, and ducts are may prove invaluable some day, and even if you never use them the next owner will appreciate it. by Needleroozer
So you know where every pipe, wire, and duct is inside all of your walls?
Needleroozer OP t1_jd8qx4f wrote
Reply to comment by GreatBigModernMess in LPT: If you're buying a house still under construction, photograph everything before the sheetrock goes up. Knowing exactly where the pipes, wires, and ducts are may prove invaluable some day, and even if you never use them the next owner will appreciate it. by Needleroozer
I had to go into mine twice to strengthen ceiling fixtures when we removed the lights and added fans. I sure wished I had lights instead of a flashlight.
Needleroozer OP t1_jd8q7x3 wrote
Reply to comment by TarondorIX in LPT: If you're buying a house still under construction, photograph everything before the sheetrock goes up. Knowing exactly where the pipes, wires, and ducts are may prove invaluable some day, and even if you never use them the next owner will appreciate it. by Needleroozer
The plans might show where the outlets are, but they don't show where the wires run inside the walls. Same with plumbing fixtures and the pipes. What is inside the wall is a mystery and is not detailed in the plans.
Needleroozer OP t1_jd8q2no wrote
Reply to comment by landob in LPT: If you're buying a house still under construction, photograph everything before the sheetrock goes up. Knowing exactly where the pipes, wires, and ducts are may prove invaluable some day, and even if you never use them the next owner will appreciate it. by Needleroozer
The plans can show where the sinks and showers and stuff are, but they don't show how the pipes get there. The plumber can route the pipes anyway they want. And the electrician can route the wires anyway they want. And the ventilation people can put the ducts anywhere they want. The details of these things do not show up in the plans.
Needleroozer t1_jczzqa6 wrote
Reply to Medical Marijuana Legalization Linked To ‘Significant Decrease’ In Opioid-Related Payments To Doctors, Study Finds by DrDreidel82
Another news, the AMA redouble their efforts to battle Medical Marijuana.
Needleroozer t1_jc8nagp wrote
And just as much corruption as ever.
Needleroozer t1_jajkiz9 wrote
Reply to German scientists show a commercially feasible method for cyanobacteria to extract 17 rare earth elements from low-concentration sources. Currently, most of the world's supply of these elements is mined in China. by lughnasadh
Put them to work on our landfills and superfund sites.
Needleroozer t1_ivc4vkf wrote
Good for them! Nice to know Nature's out there cleaning up our mess.
Needleroozer t1_ispuo2e wrote
Reply to comment by SentientHotdogWater in Nation’s First Nuclear-Powered Clean Hydrogen Production Announced. The Nine Mile Point Generating Station, the oldest operating U.S. nuclear power plant, will soon house the nation’s first nuclear-powered clean hydrogen production facility by chopchopped
Link fixed. Try again.
Needleroozer t1_ispgm1z wrote
Needleroozer t1_isouvjc wrote
Reply to Nation’s First Nuclear-Powered Clean Hydrogen Production Announced. The Nine Mile Point Generating Station, the oldest operating U.S. nuclear power plant, will soon house the nation’s first nuclear-powered clean hydrogen production facility by chopchopped
Hydrogen is a greenhouse gas and is impossible to contain. Best estimates are that from production to final use there would be a 10% loss in all hydrogen produced. Hydrogen could turn out to be our worst mistake.
Needleroozer t1_iqzqotb wrote
Reply to comment by mamastax in [Image]Its okay to have bad time by chickenBothrops
Yeah, really motivational. "Whenever you're depressed, just wait for it to go away! :-) "
Needleroozer OP t1_jd99p9w wrote
Reply to comment by falderol in LPT: If you're buying a house still under construction, photograph everything before the sheetrock goes up. Knowing exactly where the pipes, wires, and ducts are may prove invaluable some day, and even if you never use them the next owner will appreciate it. by Needleroozer
I know, right? I've got clear labels for things like refrigerator, oven, furnace, but everything else is lights, lights, lights. Not even a clue for which floor let alone which room.