NerdforceHeroes t1_jaa87oe wrote
Reply to comment by New-Shop-7539 in The world should be governed by people with intellectual thought and people should listen by New-Shop-7539
People have. This has all been tried before.
Vanguard socialism was the idea that a group of enlightened revolutionaries needed to lead the people towards the coming socialist utopia. The Vanguard became concerned only with maintaining its own power and the totalitarian Soviet Union was born.
I believe humans are inherently good but we are also inherently corruptible. Thats why the most successful modern societies contain transparent institutions and frequent elections, so that the people can hold their leaders to account and ensure they work to make the nation as a whole richer, rather than just their own chequebooks.
NerdforceHeroes t1_jaa6d9u wrote
Reply to comment by New-Shop-7539 in The world should be governed by people with intellectual thought and people should listen by New-Shop-7539
Questions regarding your ideology:
Who picks this group of apparently enlightened humans?
How do they make the world come to together?
How do they deal with those who don't want to come together?
How would they deal with future generations who don't want to live under their rule?
NerdforceHeroes t1_jaa4nc2 wrote
Reply to comment by New-Shop-7539 in The world should be governed by people with intellectual thought and people should listen by New-Shop-7539
In what way would having the world be ruled by a group of people who are unelected, immovable and blindly trusted, not lead to corruption?
NerdforceHeroes t1_jaa3ayy wrote
Reply to The world should be governed by people with intellectual thought and people should listen by New-Shop-7539
What a fantastically original idea! Literally no one has ever thought of this before!
This system is in no way susceptible to corruption or exploitation, not at all!
NerdforceHeroes OP t1_j3qix42 wrote
Reply to comment by mismanaged in [WP] The master detective just finished their long monologue laying out all the circumstantial evidence that reveals you as the murderer. Instead of confessing or attempting the kill the detective, you smile. You've got the best defence lawyer in the business and none of this will stand up in court. by NerdforceHeroes
Nice, somebody found it. The whole prompt is based on that sketch, it’s one of their best.
NerdforceHeroes t1_jaa9ien wrote
Reply to comment by New-Shop-7539 in The world should be governed by people with intellectual thought and people should listen by New-Shop-7539
Also its not undecided. The only way to do all that is with a totalitarian police state.