NetQuarterLatte t1_ixf2k0h wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
Maybe this is one of those rare case where the workers in a city department are admitting that they are doing more harm than good.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixf1p61 wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
In this story, the victims are the parents or the children?
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixf098q wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
>still protecting victims.
How can we tell if victims are being protected equally? Should it be just a quota on the number of victims per race, then the remaining victims are out of luck?
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixepvxp wrote
Reply to comment by WickhamAkimbo in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 22, 2022 by AutoModerator
This was from Mister Progressive himself:
>De Blasio says there's no racial bias in the city's child welfare system
>“In my eight years as the chairman and now four years as advocate where I looked at these issues and now mayor, I don’t believe that’s the case,” de Blasio said at a press conference when asked if he believed there was any kind of bias at work in the way that ACS or the child welfare system operates.
>“We’re also talking about a workforce that looks like the people they serve, by and large. So no, I don’t see that challenge,” he added, referring to the racial makeup of the city’s ACS workers. In Fiscal Year 2015, 81 percent of the agency’s more than 6,000 employees were black or Latino, one of the highest percentages of minority employees among city agencies.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixdeuq6 wrote
Reply to comment by Daddy_Macron in After ‘exhaustive negotiations,’ Won supports $2 billion Innovation QNS project in Astoria by 09-24-11
It’s like they are actively working to protect those they purport to be the villains (the big developers), and actively working to harm those they purport to be advocating for (the people who wants better housing).
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixd93m7 wrote
Reply to After ‘exhaustive negotiations,’ Won supports $2 billion Innovation QNS project in Astoria by 09-24-11
Yeah, this whole process is surely going to make every other developer go "Wow, I'm so excited to build more housing in NYC!"
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixble01 wrote
Reply to comment by fuckyouimin in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
In compstat there’s a weekly, 28 day and year-to-date comparison. The past few weeks actually had a decline in many crimes compared to last year. The year-to-date comparison still indicates double digit increases in many crimes.
Speaking of the media, the media is also liable in exaggerating the opposite narrative too.
Like this Bloomberg article comparing death rates, as if people who are worried about crimes perceive deaths by accidents with a rural equipment as the same as a deaths by a random subway shoving.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixbiozs wrote
Reply to comment by fuckyouimin in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
I think we are going to end up with 25000 or 26000 felony assaults.
So if a person knows on average 100 people in NYC (like people they normally interact with, neighbors, coworkers, friends, classmates) I think that’s 2.5M people who knows someone who was victimized by a felony assault in a year? 30% of the population?
There’s probably a lot of overlap because the violence is not evenly distributed (like a Black person is 19x more likely to be murdered in NYC than a White person). But that’s gotta make an impact on people’s perception when a survey or election time comes.
I’m with you that people from other states who only hear about NYC in the media are just out of touch and driven by the media. But I also think it’s be a mistake to mix them with the people who have first or genuine second-hand knowledge of crimes happening.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixbdsv7 wrote
Reply to comment by fuckyouimin in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
I think murders alone is not a good metric. By that metric, Riker’s would be the safest place because it has a murder rate of 0, but we all know people there don’t feel safe.
But felony assaults in 2022 are on pace to be the highest year in this century.
I also think that the way they phrased that survey, it’s not unreasonable for a lot of people to say they worry about being a victim of violence.
Like anyone who goes to a subway and tries to avoid standing close to the platform edge to avoid being shoved? I think it’s fair for them to answer yes, even though most people just internalize that as a common sense defensive posture.
Anyone who gets into a subway car with some jittery person who starts acting up? I think it’s also fair to feel concerned.
Even if there are so few of those violent individuals, the problem with high density is that it allows so few individuals to reach so many people. It’s hard to say the media is solely to blame.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix9wkfu wrote
Reply to comment by fuckyouimin in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
>There is no factual or legitimate reason for 75% of New Yorkers (NYCers?) to suddenly fear for their lives
Who is claiming that 75% figure?
>when the amount of actual increase in crime is either negligible or has gone down.
Have you even seen any statistics from the past few years?
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix9jcfu wrote
Week-to-week comparison is showing a decline in crimes compared to the same week in 2021.
Even though the year-to-date comparison is still showing a staggering double-digit increase for all major felonies compared to 2021 (expect murder and shootings crimes... which can't be easily downgraded into a non bail-eligible offenses).
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix9g6xr wrote
Reply to comment by fuckyouimin in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
It can be both true that the GOP has an interest in highlighting crimes issue, and crimes issues being legitimate.
That's not too different to what happens in every political campaign. Media coverage of Zeldin being a Trump Jan/06 supporter and anti-abortion went up right before the elections.
The media covering certain facts according to the election schedule doesn't justify dismissing those facts.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix9fuxp wrote
Reply to comment by Rottimer in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix9fioq wrote
Reply to comment by Rottimer in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Riker's has a reported murder rate of 0.
Would that make Riker's safer than the streets of NYC? Would that invalidate anyone who complains about Riker's?
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix7ujyr wrote
Reply to comment by tiregroove in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
NYC already spends 3 billion per year in homelessness.
You’re once more mixing people who become homeless involuntarily with those who choose to stay homeless.
You can’t blame that on capitalism.
If you’re blaming incompetence on the homeless shelter operations, lack of safety etc, then I’m with you here.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix6ikoz wrote
Reply to comment by tiregroove in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Moving a homeless person from a train or from the streets to a shelter sounds reasonable.
Making it mandatory also seems reasonable, specially if that’s becoming a public disturbance. If I understand correctly, the only thing that would be illegal would be to refuse it.
Criminalizing homelessness is terrible because homelessness is not something people usually choose, it’s something they are a “victim” of.
But people who purposefully choose to stay homeless when there are available alternatives? I don’t think that’s in the same league of moral/ethical consideration.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix3oavc wrote
Reply to comment by j3ychen in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
I wrote a few in a past thread:
In addition to those, I believe the solution should include what progressives used to advocate for:
- Increase trust in the police (such as having police officers that reflect the demographic of the communities, increase community relationships, etc)
- Diversion programs, summer work programs
- Stronger educational systems, better teachers (was there any insight from Teach For America?)
- Improve family stability (to address the disparity of many POC growing in a single-parent home)
But what we have today is the advocacy of approximately the opposite:
- too much denial that a problem even exists
- dissemination of distrust in the police
- weakening of schools/education (such as the exaggerated “rights” of a few students over schools/teachers and the education outcomes of the cohort)
- “celebration” of single-parenthood and weakening of parents abilities to influence their children
NetQuarterLatte t1_ix2fdhj wrote
Reply to comment by j3ychen in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
I’m pretty sure crimes and quality of life is not a problem for many people in NYC.
I’m also pretty sure that most of those people completely lack the awareness of how privileged their life is (even for NYC standards).
So they are not equipped to comprehend anyone who complains about those things.
To compound the issue, we have the politicization of it: people who have concern about crimes get labeled in all kinds of derogatory or dismissive manner, so the people who is unaware of their privileged start thinking that those who express concern must be malicious or brainwashed by the media / GOP.
I’m also convinced that people who have been downplaying concerns have actually made them worse. And have unwittingly helped the GOP in this past election cycle.
Because the act of dismissing the concern of someone tends to make the concern become more intense. That must have suppressed turnout (for people who couldn’t get themselves to vote republican), or must have increased turnout (for people who could hold their nose and vote republican).
NetQuarterLatte t1_iwzf0f9 wrote
Reply to comment by TrekkerMcTrekkerface in Council seeks steep fines for NYC chain stores that fail to shovel snow by King-of-New-York
Make it proportional to the footage of sidewalk?
NetQuarterLatte t1_iwzemem wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in NYC councilman urges LGBTQ community to stay vigilant after deaths of 2 gay men in Hell's Kitchen by ShinyGodzilla
If one thing has becoming obvious from the experiment, is that the rules and expectations are very unclear. The moderation seems to be very arbitrary due to the vagueness of the rules.
Rule 2 of
NetQuarterLatte t1_iwvd7mk wrote
Reply to comment by Rottimer in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Why do you think politicians are trying to make the problem worse?
Are they trying to highlight the concentration of poverty…. by somehow making non-poverty factors on criminalization even stronger?
NetQuarterLatte t1_iwvbb5a wrote
Reply to comment by Rottimer in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
Root causes have been discussed, but the actions of many self-proclaimed progressive politicians suggest they actually want to make the problem worse.
Too many teens today are becoming first-time criminal violent offenders:
Exposing teens to violent crimes is a bigger factor than poverty (4.7x stronger than poverty). Yet, they passed laws to allow repeat violent teenagers offenders continue. Gangs keep recruiting teens, and yet they want the NYPD to stop tracking gangs, etc.
Distrust in the police is a bigger factor than poverty (2.6x stronger than poverty). Yet, they keep dissemination distrust in the police, and blocking measures to improve community trust in the police, etc.
NetQuarterLatte t1_iwup2i8 wrote
Reply to comment by fuckyouimin in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
>And in a city of 8 million people, less than 500 people murdered is NOT a reason for people to freak out. Especially when in reality, it is actually far lower than most years in the past half a century
Way to dismiss concerns.
A vast fraction of those victims are POC.
The likelihood of a black person being murdered in NYC is 19x greater compared to a white person.
Many of the victims today were not even born in the 90s. Why stats from a previous century should be relevant for them?
NetQuarterLatte t1_iwuodlq wrote
Reply to comment by Rottimer in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 15, 2022 by AutoModerator
>It was Progressives in NYC that ignored crime in a city with lower crime rates than Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Houston, and Dallas
Progressives in NYC love to dismiss crime concerns.
Why do some people care so much about crime?
"I don’t know why that’s so important to you" - Hochul
- 15.3 black individuals murdered per 100,000 black individuals in NYC (2021)
- 0.8 white individuals murdered per 100,000 white individuals in NYC (2021)
NetQuarterLatte t1_ixhfcn0 wrote
Reply to Things to explore in the city alone till Thanksgiving by infiniteScience314
You can always go for some Chinese food!