
NetQuarterLatte t1_j2qbrtv wrote

>If Mr. Santos does not present a defense in the Brazilian case, he will be tried in absentia. If found guilty, Mr. Santos could receive up to five years in prison, plus a fine.

I did not expect to start 2023 and see the NY Times gloat about anyone's prospect of spending 5 years in a Brazilian prison for a crime that wouldn't keep him in custody for more than a couple hours if it was committed in NYC.

It's amazing to see how the "criminal justice advocacy" is conditional on partisanship.

Just to be clear: fuck George Santos.

Edit: to the people asking about the gloating: the whole article is a “tough-on-crime justice porn fantasy” on an obviously unsympathetic defendant in a criminal case that is unlikely to amount to anything. And the five year sentence prospect is just the punch line. If you can’t see it, that’s on you.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j1ujjdw wrote

>If you've lived in New York this long you should know the cold season is usually quieter and calm with crime.

While that's factually correct, it's also misleading in the context of this news.

The period in question is compared to the same period last year, which mostly cancels out seasonalities.

September and November 2022 was actually slightly warmer than the same months in 2021.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j1benj5 wrote

It’s much simpler to deduce he is a piece of shit based on his record (of what he supported or didn’t) than trying to decide based on guessing his identity.

There are factual stuff like resume and such that no politician should lie about.

But how do you verify those other things? Did the reporter even asked him? Or the ex-wife? We are assuming here it’s a woman based on the name, and all sort of assumptions going around here.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j1aosiw wrote

>This is simply bullshit. Entirely anachronistic. And is not the reality of why this story did not surface until now.

Yeah, including the NY Times, it was not related at all with their relentless push for their "crime is just a perception issue / GOP propaganda" narrative.

Edit: even in mid Sep, when it was pretty obvious, the NY was still trying to spin the narrative. Those who want to deny, feel free to continue doing so.

NY Times confirms that huge donors for Zeldin came as a consequence of the public safety debate:

>The stakes have only grown amid a huge outside spending campaign by a handful of ultrawealthy conservative donors seeking to capitalize on the public safety debate.

NY Times spins the narrative:

>As Ms. Hochul likes to point out, the state remains safer than some far smaller, many run by Republicans.
>But a rash of highly visible, violent episodes, especially on the New York City subways, in recent months have left many New Yorkers with at least the perception that parts of the state are growing markedly less safe.

NY Times spending time fishing for a quote about the "GOP propaganda" narrative on the streets, rather than investigating George Santos.

>“I want to make something crystal clear because they aren’t going to explain it to you in the media,” he said, adding: “They want to make us afraid.”