NetQuarterLatte t1_j2drdb4 wrote
Let them protest peacefully. It’s their constitutional right.
But if they trespass, disrupt or become violent, then send them to Riker’s for hate crimes.
Simple, no?
NetQuarterLatte t1_j2dme1h wrote
Reply to Nikki Secondino charged with murder in deadly stabbing of 61-year-old father Carlo Secondino in Brooklyn by Enrico_Motassa
Nikki had plenty access to mental health therapy growing up, but that unfortunately didn’t prevent this violent crime.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j2dka27 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatGuyinNY in Weed Retailers With Criminal Histories Were Promised a Head Start. Instead, They’re Stuck In Line. by Lilyo
The NGO industrial complex is growing strong in NYC.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j2ad8kx wrote
Reply to comment by JudgeJuryJncos in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
The Zimmerman campaign was on record saying they pushed those issues with Santos to the mainstream media, but no one wanted to cover this before the election.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j2actt6 wrote
Reply to comment by d2d2d2d2d2 in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
The New York Times had plenty of staff.
But some of the reporters were out on the streets of NYC trying to fish for quotes like “I feel safe and never worry about crimes”, which was obviously more important to them than covering candidates like Santos.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j29wqlc wrote
Until after the elections, the mainstream media just didn’t care about this because they were too busy pushing their own propaganda.
Edit: Hey there New York Times employees.. I see a lot of downvotes once your employer got mentioned in the replies.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j28qp5t wrote
Reply to MSG defends using facial recognition to kick lawyer out of Rockettes show by Euphoric_Luck_8126
According to the story, the firm was notified twice about that policy.
I don’t understand why they didn’t complain right then, instead of waiting for an employee to (knowingly or unknowingly) try to go to a show and run against the unchallenged policy.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j27hu64 wrote
Reply to comment by permtemp in List of Eric Adams Allies Hired to High-Paid Government Posts Keeps Growing by Eurynom0s
Meeting Jewish organizations would be going above and beyond.
If AOC and the likes just stopped with the antisemitism, that would be a great start. Not a very high bar, but it’s a start.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j24jshq wrote
Reply to comment by Traditional_Way1052 in Rep.-elect George Santos lied about attending prestigious NYC prep school Horace Mann: report by PichuLovy
Doh, you’re right.
So that will be presidential elections year. That’s better than NY Governor’s election.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j248akf wrote
Reply to comment by Traditional_Way1052 in Rep.-elect George Santos lied about attending prestigious NYC prep school Horace Mann: report by PichuLovy
I don’t expect people to show at the polls just to vote for him.
His re-election will probably depend on the governor’s race to turn out GOP voters hoping they would just blindly vote for him as well… just like in the 2022 election.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j23s57h wrote
Reply to Rep.-elect George Santos lied about attending prestigious NYC prep school Horace Mann: report by PichuLovy
Voters in the NY-3 district don’t have the right to remove him.
So even if they feel overwhelmingly deceived, they will be stuck with him for 2 years.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1wbhnd wrote
I would love to hear if people in this sub are still against voters having the right to recall an elected official.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1ujjdw wrote
Reply to comment by Normanzzzz in NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
>If you've lived in New York this long you should know the cold season is usually quieter and calm with crime.
While that's factually correct, it's also misleading in the context of this news.
The period in question is compared to the same period last year, which mostly cancels out seasonalities.
September and November 2022 was actually slightly warmer than the same months in 2021.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1s1cbs wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
Yet, fringe groups believe whatever crime level we had 40 years ago is a progressive gold standard.
If it’s better than the 80s, there’s no problem!
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1royva wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
Money spent on preventing crimes (policing included) is a lot better than money spent on incarceration.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1rom9c wrote
Reply to NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
I was told crimes would only go down when everyone had free housing.
When did that happen in NYC?
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1r9dz4 wrote
Reply to NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
It guess it helped after Hochul finally admitted there was a rising crime issue and committed state funds to pay for policing overtime in NYC.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1bqn4k wrote
Reply to comment by nationalmoz in ‘Major Trustee, Please Prioritize’: How NYU’s E.R. Favors the Rich by goodguyfdny
That’s way better than having to prepare a bribe to the doctor and buying medicines in the black market.
You might have an inconvenient public health care system, but it could be a lot worse..
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1benj5 wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in ‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman by mission17
It’s much simpler to deduce he is a piece of shit based on his record (of what he supported or didn’t) than trying to decide based on guessing his identity.
There are factual stuff like resume and such that no politician should lie about.
But how do you verify those other things? Did the reporter even asked him? Or the ex-wife? We are assuming here it’s a woman based on the name, and all sort of assumptions going around here.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1bbc8z wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in ‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman by mission17
Is there a form where candidates have to disclose past divorces and the nature of their sexual relationships?
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1b0zt8 wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in ‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman by mission17
They could’ve highlighted the string of lies directly in the headline, for example.
An abundance of alternatives that didn’t involve questioning whether he is gay based on a secret past marriage to a woman.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1ay2jy wrote
There's plenty of material for bombastic headlines in this whole story.
It's inexcusable that they would choose a headline that pushes this kind of harmful stereotype that an openly gay person couldn't be married with someone of the opposite sex.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1ax2vj wrote
Reply to comment by IRequirePants in ‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman by mission17
>Investigating your opponent for oppo-research is super basic in elections.
They did.
But the media was too busy trying to push their talking points on crimes, and didn't take the stories.
NetQuarterLatte t1_j1aosiw wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in ‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman by mission17
>This is simply bullshit. Entirely anachronistic. And is not the reality of why this story did not surface until now.
Yeah, including the NY Times, it was not related at all with their relentless push for their "crime is just a perception issue / GOP propaganda" narrative.
Edit: even in mid Sep, when it was pretty obvious, the NY was still trying to spin the narrative. Those who want to deny, feel free to continue doing so.
NY Times confirms that huge donors for Zeldin came as a consequence of the public safety debate:
>The stakes have only grown amid a huge outside spending campaign by a handful of ultrawealthy conservative donors seeking to capitalize on the public safety debate.
NY Times spins the narrative:
>As Ms. Hochul likes to point out, the state remains safer than some far smaller, many run by Republicans.
>But a rash of highly visible, violent episodes, especially on the New York City subways, in recent months have left many New Yorkers with at least the perception that parts of the state are growing markedly less safe.
NY Times spending time fishing for a quote about the "GOP propaganda" narrative on the streets, rather than investigating George Santos.
>“I want to make something crystal clear because they aren’t going to explain it to you in the media,” he said, adding: “They want to make us afraid.”
NetQuarterLatte t1_j2qbrtv wrote
Reply to Brazilian Authorities Will Revive Fraud Case Against George Santos by mission17
>If Mr. Santos does not present a defense in the Brazilian case, he will be tried in absentia. If found guilty, Mr. Santos could receive up to five years in prison, plus a fine.
I did not expect to start 2023 and see the NY Times gloat about anyone's prospect of spending 5 years in a Brazilian prison for a crime that wouldn't keep him in custody for more than a couple hours if it was committed in NYC.
It's amazing to see how the "criminal justice advocacy" is conditional on partisanship.
Just to be clear: fuck George Santos.
Edit: to the people asking about the gloating: the whole article is a “tough-on-crime justice porn fantasy” on an obviously unsympathetic defendant in a criminal case that is unlikely to amount to anything. And the five year sentence prospect is just the punch line. If you can’t see it, that’s on you.