I’m curious to find out your thoughts on current social media platforms. I’m in the millennial group and I’ve been a Facebook user since 2015. I was one of those people that spent hours scrolling through posts on my news feed and now I use it only to keep up with a select few friends/family/coworkers. I’ve deleted my Snapchat because I didn’t really find it useful and got too caught up watching videos all day. I do still have a Instagram and use it to follow companies and famous people, but I’ve been thinking of switching exclusively to Instagram and pulling the plug on Facebook. Are you on all platforms? How do you use each one?
NeumaticEarth t1_j93n7rn wrote
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I’m curious to find out your thoughts on current social media platforms. I’m in the millennial group and I’ve been a Facebook user since 2015. I was one of those people that spent hours scrolling through posts on my news feed and now I use it only to keep up with a select few friends/family/coworkers. I’ve deleted my Snapchat because I didn’t really find it useful and got too caught up watching videos all day. I do still have a Instagram and use it to follow companies and famous people, but I’ve been thinking of switching exclusively to Instagram and pulling the plug on Facebook. Are you on all platforms? How do you use each one?