NewHampshireDude t1_j9ae79s wrote
My dogs black so can't always see the ticks until it is engorged. These are key.
For your dog:
NewHampshireDude t1_j8so7s6 wrote
Reply to comment by PtrWalnuts in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
Not everything is partisan. This is what happens when business and government are entrenched in corruption for decades from multiple parties maintaining status quo.
NewHampshireDude t1_j8s1tcz wrote
Reply to comment by PtrWalnuts in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
You are defending someone with no information. Look at this list of former McKinsey Consulting employees who work in government. They are all peas in the same pod. There is only a few ways you get to be a politician and its playing the game. Open your eyes. You think you are voting for the good guys but they are all on the same team behind closed doors.
NewHampshireDude t1_j8rmhyr wrote
Reply to comment by PtrWalnuts in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
Wtf…. Why are you attacking me? I literally just said I didn’t vote for either of the guys in the corporate unity party.
Don’t own a tv.
You’re probably an idiot. Or a fat trans satanist because
Did you get your defend Pete rallying cry from msnbc or was it cnn?
NewHampshireDude t1_j8rjvqa wrote
Reply to comment by PtrWalnuts in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
I don't care that he is gay. I care that he can't do his job. I care that he was hired for the job for lining up behind Biden when the party wanted a real candidate. He is a corporatist. We hired a guy who has a long history of making money from corporations. He was hired by a president from the most corporate friendly state in the country Delaware. I am angry that you are not angry. If it was a red guy in charge I would be mad too. I didn't vote for DT or Biden because I know they are all the same.
NewHampshireDude t1_j8o7y17 wrote
Reply to comment by PtrWalnuts in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
Why are you defending the people in charge when a horrible disaster happens under their watch?
NewHampshireDude t1_j8o01f4 wrote
Reply to comment by PtrWalnuts in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
Pete let all of their policy live on.
NewHampshireDude t1_j8nzxgl wrote
Reply to comment by Tackysackjones in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
You blame him for not re-hiring security after the last superintendant had fired them to save money for the contractors who make money off the school.
NewHampshireDude t1_j76x0h0 wrote
Check the system. One of my zones was this cold this morning and there was a minor issue with where the thermostat connects electronically to the water regulation pipe near the furnace in my basement (a loose screw). Shouldn’t drop that low. My other zone was perfectly at the temp I set.
NewHampshireDude t1_j65ewpy wrote
Reply to Most cost effective stump removal? by zac1724
Home Depot rents small stump grinders for about $700 a week.
NewHampshireDude OP t1_j5jme0x wrote
Reply to comment by Adweena in Best free places to cross country ski? by NewHampshireDude
> Nanomocomuc trail
A quick goog did not yield much -- what town is that one in?
NewHampshireDude t1_j5gvmdc wrote
Reply to comment by Black6host in Trees dressed in white along the Lamprey River in Durham by BlackJesus420
Oddly enough it apparently gets its name from an early settler John Lamprey though.
NewHampshireDude t1_j4pxg3f wrote
Reply to comment by thread100 in Can anyone recommend an exterior designer in southern NH? by Crunk_NH
I can also count on people to make weird comments back to me and remind me to look at the thread I was interested in yesterday!
NewHampshireDude t1_j4oiru0 wrote
Reply to comment by quaffee in Can anyone recommend an exterior designer in southern NH? by Crunk_NH
You are welcome!
NewHampshireDude t1_j4llipz wrote
I would like to know too! Here for the comments.
NewHampshireDude t1_j3m8599 wrote
Reply to Bellamy Reservoir by Chenko0160
Can you access this reservoir? Do you know if you are allowed to kayak, canoe or paddleboard?
NewHampshireDude t1_iurkkyt wrote
I do a lot of fishing in the Seacoast area. Looking to get into hunting but not where I live as it's basically only public land and crowded. What kid of hunting are you looking to do and where?
NewHampshireDude t1_ja9c6p9 wrote
Reply to comment by WantDastardlyBack in Wood stairs in the winter by RoyalAntelope9948
Winter spiked Crocs. That is epic.