New_Analyst3510 t1_j8558sb wrote
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7wmcob wrote
Reply to comment by KristenelleSFF in Autism and Schools by Ductomaniac
Yeah but I'm happy the way I am even be it little social experience
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7ryb4s wrote
Reply to comment by KristenelleSFF in Autism and Schools by Ductomaniac
That was your experience and I'm sorry that happened to you but if parents are good and loving it will be good for them
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7q93uj wrote
Reply to Autism and Schools by Ductomaniac
No public school is good, I have asd and the best option is home school
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7eex8m wrote
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7bupza wrote
Reply to comment by Crooks123 in What does Worcester need? by AnteaterEastern2811
Providence is so much closer
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7buatr wrote
Reply to comment by Kpop2258 in What does Worcester need? by AnteaterEastern2811
Shit me two
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7bu3u1 wrote
Reply to comment by OrphanKripler in What does Worcester need? by AnteaterEastern2811
Carl's in Oxford is one of my favorites in the country (I know that's not Worcester)
New_Analyst3510 t1_j7btu36 wrote
Reply to What does Worcester need? by AnteaterEastern2811
Less shity police More money put into affordable housing
New_Analyst3510 t1_j72hg7p wrote
Reply to comment by lucidguppy in State lawmakers introduce bill to bring back rent control by HRJafael
Why do we need to build up internet in rural communities I would rather not
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6o3iai wrote
Reply to comment by missesbrian in Justice for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts at Kelly Square at 4:00 PM Tomorrow. please share by New_Analyst3510
We didn't yesterday and also that's highly unproductive because it disrespects the family so why would we???
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6o3ay5 wrote
Reply to comment by your_city_councilor in Justice for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts at Kelly Square at 4:00 PM Tomorrow by New_Analyst3510
Okay and we're not so what's the problem
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6nhv2c wrote
Reply to comment by sneakylyric in Justice for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts at Kelly Square at 4:00 PM Tomorrow. please share by New_Analyst3510
Will let you know
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6nhtju wrote
Reply to comment by sneakylyric in Justice for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts at Kelly Square at 4:00 PM Tomorrow. please share by New_Analyst3510
I do plan on doing a couple seacoast mass and nh protests in March and June
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6n3mg1 wrote
Reply to comment by johnmh71 in Justice for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts at Kelly Square at 4:00 PM Tomorrow. please share by New_Analyst3510
It's not about virtue, I'm not some justice warrior I'm a redneck from up in the woods but this brought me out the woods
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6n3can wrote
Reply to comment by A_Man_Who_Writes in Pack Kelly Square for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share by New_Analyst3510
Yesterday 6
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6n3atc wrote
Reply to comment by Unable-Bison-272 in Pack Kelly Square for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share by New_Analyst3510
Performative for what? If it performative I sure as hell wouldn't be out here in the cold I would wait till June to do something but it's not performative I live in the region and all upset about it so I'm doing the protest about it until everyone who was there gets charged because not everyone who was there has been charged yet and I'm not stopping till at least the main five have a conviction
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6n34iy wrote
Reply to comment by Rob__T in Justice for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts at Kelly Square at 4:00 PM Tomorrow by New_Analyst3510
It's Kelly Square the same people have been driving here for the last 10 years and if they were driving here 10 years ago they can definitely survive the modern Kelly square with the protest going on some people just don't get it I guess though we did have one guy who shook his head at us at the protest I thought that was kind of strange but he probably was some kind of cop
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6n303d wrote
Reply to comment by your_city_councilor in Justice for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts at Kelly Square at 4:00 PM Tomorrow by New_Analyst3510
It doesn't disrupt traffic, the people honk in support and continue about their ride
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6lo0ae wrote
Reply to comment by YoooJoee in Pack Kelly Square for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share by New_Analyst3510
Clearly the combined efforts of protests around the nation have put pressure on them because they just fired numerous other first responders today
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6ll0t8 wrote
Reply to comment by YoooJoee in Pack Kelly Square for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share by New_Analyst3510
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6lhxps wrote
Reply to comment by tocsin1990 in Pack Kelly Square for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share by New_Analyst3510
Also all the personal that were there have not been fired yet we caught five more today getting penalized but not charged
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6lhvyk wrote
Reply to comment by tocsin1990 in Pack Kelly Square for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share by New_Analyst3510
These other issues do you need attention however I will not stop protesting the death of Tyre until conviction
New_Analyst3510 OP t1_j6l8bkw wrote
Reply to comment by A_Man_Who_Writes in Pack Kelly Square for Tyre Nichols Worcester, Massachusetts every Monday at 5:00 PM please share by New_Analyst3510
Yeah I'm just posting it everywhere so I can get the word out farther
New_Analyst3510 t1_j855cwx wrote
Reply to Reposting by whodat129
Osifer I will have you know I drive drunk sober better than