
New_Stats t1_j1z0ql9 wrote

The cilantro garden if you like Indian food. Don't go to the Peruvian place, it sucks

There are no fun activities, no bars (but we have breweries) there's only strip malls

Edit, here's there tourism page, it'll give you stuff to do if you want

I went to The red roaster place, I wasn't impressed. There's better restaurants


New_Stats t1_j1uhmx7 wrote

It's a really quaint little town, surrounded by nature. I think it's technically a city, it has the tallest building in VT at 6 stories. There are cabins just outside of town with hiking and maple flavored everything in town, the restaurants are pretty decent. It'll probably be really cold and there's probably a lot of snow, so you'll want to check the conditions before you plan anything. Lake Champlain might be frozen in some spots so you could go ice fishing or maybe skating/hockey.

It's real crunchy up there, you'll be smelling patchouli at more than one shop


New_Stats t1_j1pxb1h wrote

>Muslim nationalists came over here and are threatening our Hindu population. Those are also facts.

No it's not.

>America is allied with India,

Not really. Indians are mad we allied with Pakistan, a Muslim country.

>But this argument has nothing to do with America's allies. It's about how BOTH factions commit the same hate crimes against each other and how you blindly blame only one of them.

Both siding the situation is ridiculous propaganda


New_Stats t1_j1pp2i5 wrote

Indian nationalists came over here and are threatening our Muslim population. Those are the facts.

America is allied with many Muslim nations and they're complaining that we're not doing enough to protect them from the terrorists that plague the region. So talk to a Muslim before you blindly hate on the US


New_Stats t1_j1f3rtq wrote


It's y'all and it's southern. We're northern. Youse is acceptable, you can say yinz but we will make fun of you for sounding like someone from Pittsburg. We normally say you or you guys.

I've never seen such a dramatic cold front blow through in my life, it's pretty bad. It poured right before the cold front so everything is a sheet of ice. It's bitterly cold and the wind is just insane

I plan to stay inside, we have a wind-chill advisory, can't be out for more than 30 minutes without risking frostbite/ hypothermia. My devices are all fully charged, my generator is full of gas and I have all the fixings for hot toddies

Gonna go out on Christmas because of family, hopefully it's just the cold and wind by then and not any snow


New_Stats t1_iyhjd30 wrote

>who are these fuckers

Hindu nationalists. It's a growing problem in NJ. A very very small % of Indian immigrants brought their disgusting hate over here and it's something we need to address as a society, make sure they understand their old world hate ain't welcome over here, while making sure it's known that people of Indian descent are welcome. It's not the ethnicity that's the issue, it's the hate