
New_Stats OP t1_ixanlwq wrote

I wear nude fleece lined yoga pants under black tights, a wool skirt that goes down to my knees and boots that go up to my knees, with wool socks.


It's absolutely not the same as wearing shorts. I highly recommend grabbing fleece lined yoga pants, they're great as long as you get good ones. The ones at Walmart are shit. Just feel them before you buy them, you'll be able to tell if they're any good


New_Stats OP t1_ixa7jlk wrote

I saw a plump older woman in shorts, flip flops and a long sleeve shirt on the other day. Really glad women are striving to get equal representation in the "GO PUT ON SOME SOCKS OR SOMETHING, YOU'RE MAKING ME COLD JUST BY LOOKING AT YOU!" genre. Really glad that I'm not the one breaking that glass ceiling too, because my joints hurt if I get too cold


New_Stats OP t1_ixa5yka wrote

But abortion advocates say there is no need to rush through a complicated and monumental amendment in a final, end-of-the-year sprint in order to win legislative approval β€” a first and crucial step before getting it placed on next November's ballot. They argue that the state Supreme Court has already affirmed the right to an abortion in cases over the past 40 years, and those protections were codified in a landmark state law enacted last January.

"While there are, of course, other states that may need to amend their constitution, to create the right to an abortion, New Jersey isn't in that situation," said Amol Sinha, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, on Friday "It wouldn't necessarily create anything new for us."


We all know that supreme courts can get new justices and overturn precedent if they feel like it, we literally just watched it happen. We need the right to an abortion, a human right, enshrined in our state constitution.


New_Stats t1_ix9w8lx wrote

>Also funny enough I'm familiar with New Hope (Lambertville not so much) too, they are cool towns with great restaurants but it's not the kind of nightlife where you'll be out at a bar with loud music and a DJ until 2am, at least what I've seen. Not sure what your desired 'nightlife' situation is.

I've definitely been out bat hoping in New Hope until 2am, but this was years ago during the summer. I haven't been out that way since COVID so there's a strong possibility that could've changed.


New_Stats t1_ix910dp wrote

Are there any areas near Raritan (30min drive is probably ideal, and I’ll only be in office 3 times a week) that have more of that urban feel

what the fucking Bison farm isn't urban enough for you? I guess all the horse farms "smell like shit" and "are just for the uber rich to show off their wealth" too, huh?


(I'm kidding that's exactly how things are here)


Almost everything closes by 9, almost nothing is open on Sundays here.


Somerville has more going on and is right down the road, but I wouldn't call it urban. It does have a train station that goes to NYC tho. It's been a while since I've taken the train from NYC to NJ, but last I checked, the last train on the NorthEast Corridor line leaves around midnight and the next train is at 5am. Also I've never taken the Raritan valley line to NYC, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't run on the weekends (double check that, I might be wrong)

Lambertville is close and has a decent nightlife (if you count New Hope, the town right across the river in PA, as part of the nightlife, which we do) but it still isn't urban. It's also farther away from the city than Somerville

look at NJ transit and then look at which towns the train to NYC stops. Then ask about ones that interest you, you'll get much better feedback. Include your budget or it'll be useless to try to help you


New_Stats t1_iwsg30i wrote

Reply to comment by DylNJ32 in Newark Airport by DylNJ32

Welp. Then you have to think about the cost and time of getting across the river vs the costs and time getting from Philly to North Jersey if it does happen. Good luck! I'd go to NYC if I was taking the train to North Jersey and if someone was picking me up, I'd probably go to Philly


New_Stats t1_iws6ux2 wrote

Reply to Newark Airport by DylNJ32

Yeah, if your plane gets rerouted and you have a choice between NYC or Philly, go to Philly, LaGuardia and JFK are both nightmares. Unless you're going to NYC or north Jersey, that is


New_Stats t1_iun3ft2 wrote

Either one is great for kids. Personally I'd move to Flemington but I already live here so I'm probably bias. Clinton is great, but the downtown area is much smaller and cut off by a highway. In Flemington you can walk to shops, the library (tons of kid activities there), a bunch of restaurants and parks, but it's still a small town, Clinton is just smaller.

I don't have kids so idk about that but just Google "things to do in Flemington" and "things to do in Clinton" to get a sense of how much community stuff goes on in each town. I think Flemington has more stuff but I don't ever look for things to do in Clinton so IDK

There's a bunch of great nature preserves in Hunterdon county, with easy hiking trails. You'll absolutely be able to find a wooded area to go play in