
New_Stats t1_iyhjd30 wrote

>who are these fuckers

Hindu nationalists. It's a growing problem in NJ. A very very small % of Indian immigrants brought their disgusting hate over here and it's something we need to address as a society, make sure they understand their old world hate ain't welcome over here, while making sure it's known that people of Indian descent are welcome. It's not the ethnicity that's the issue, it's the hate


New_Stats t1_iyeah0n wrote

The state with the lowest rate of child abuse cases is Pennsylvania, with a rate of 174.8 cases for every 100,000 people under the age of 18 in the state. Pennsylvania has 2.62 million people under the age of 18, and less than 5,000 cases of child abuse have been reported over each of the past four years, with the number of victims decreasing 5.2% in 2020.

New Jersey was a close second, with a low rate of 188.9 child abuse cases per 100,000 children in the state. New Jersey was also found to have the biggest decrease in the number of child abuse cases, with a 55.8% reduction in the number of victims between 2019 and 2020.


They don't say why, which is concerning. Did child abuse go down or did we stop reporting it as much? If it's the former then that's great. If it's the later then we have a big fucking problem that needs to be fixed ASAP


New_Stats OP t1_ixjvh25 wrote

Reply to comment by kzapwn in Frank Sinatra mug shot 1938 by New_Stats

I've read quite a few history books. And I'm happy to inform you that Jefferson would wholeheartedly agree with you, as he called himself a "barbarous ancestor" to those of us who would live centuries after him.


They weren't infallible, they weren't without massive flaws, just like all humans. They made huge mistakes but to look at only that, without looking at all they accomplished, all the good they did, is just as unreasonable as fetishizing them


New_Stats OP t1_ixju6d1 wrote

Reply to comment by kzapwn in Frank Sinatra mug shot 1938 by New_Stats

He was the general. He's the most highly decorated general in our history, because we just keep giving him more awards every time a living general gets too many stars. It'd be cool if you knew that or read literally anything he wrote. It'll help you act like an actual American and not a reactionary, because the founders' hated reactionaries. They valued logic and reason; they were men of the enlightenment. something this country is abandoning at breakneck speed


Here, pick something and read it. It will enlighten you



New_Stats OP t1_ixjqnv1 wrote

Reply to comment by kzapwn in Frank Sinatra mug shot 1938 by New_Stats

so innocent until proven guilty means nothing to you? Maybe try getting some American values, they're pretty great and the republic will be destroyed when a significant amount of the population abandons them


New_Stats OP t1_ixjo8dh wrote

Reply to comment by kzapwn in Frank Sinatra mug shot 1938 by New_Stats

Innocent until proven guilty is a value we should instill in children. Reactionary bullshit should be discouraged in children and you should better know better

>In 1938, a 23-year-old Sinatra found himself in just such a situation, and he was officially arrested and booked for Seduction. The charge was eventually dropped when it was discovered that the supposedly single woman was in fact married. Later that year, armed with this new information, the original charge was revised slightly, and Sinatra was again arrested, this time for Adultery.

>A bond was set for Sinatra, which he promptly paid, and he was released. The Adultery charge was later dropped and in total, he spent only a few hours in jail as a result of the situation.


New_Stats OP t1_ixczyvv wrote

No, this was in Hunterdon so there's at least two of you roaming around the state, baffling people. I've lost quite a bit of weight, but I was pretty damn plump last winter, and I bundled up like Nanook of the north because the cold is cold


New_Stats t1_ixcg4nv wrote

Not hunting deer means overpopulation, starvation and a horrible death. I saw what a hunting ban did to a deer population when I was a kid down in Shenandoah, and it was horrific. Dead deer everywhere and the stench was something I'll never forget. Those poor deer suffered horribly before they died, a quick death would've been better.


New_Stats t1_ixcfu3j wrote

It's not the only way. We could tear down all the buildings and infrastructure and restore the land to how to was so the bears can have their habitat back.

That's not gonna happen so we gotta hunt them. And we need to up the amount of deer hunters can take too. Those poor things eat the poisonous plants in suburbs that were specifically planted to be deer resistant, because they're overpopulated and starving. It's cruel to let all of them suffer like that every winter, a quick death for some and enough food for the rest is more ethical and merciful