New_Sun6390 t1_j8yo0az wrote
Reply to is anyone else getting this? by TAmber1213
Various energy companies know people are upset about high electric bills and will send customers this shit trying to convince them they will SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!
ALL of these companies are in businesd to make money (just like CMP) and not for altruistic reasons. Just chick it in the trash with the rest of your junk mail.
New_Sun6390 t1_j8y2o25 wrote
Reply to "Go Johnny! You're almost there!" by MesaVerde87
His name is Ricky.
New_Sun6390 t1_j8x97tl wrote
Reply to I was out of my rental for 11 days out of 14 day billing cycle yet somehow I used $105 kWh? by kskdjdjslsldldld
Is there a water heater, well pump, sump pump, or dehumidifier? Any of these can make the meter spin. Also, if you had the heat off and ran it later to warm the place back up, the usage will be greater.
Also read your own meter and compare that to the reading on your bill.
New_Sun6390 t1_j8wxmko wrote
Yes. Freezing rain.
New_Sun6390 t1_j81qf3r wrote
Reply to comment by Timely-Bee-8287 in Did anyone else know about this? We didn't know until we got a check in the mail by punksheets29
The eligibility requirements are listed in virtually every news story about this issue.
New_Sun6390 t1_j81kxa6 wrote
Reply to Did anyone else know about this? We didn't know until we got a check in the mail by punksheets29
What rock have you been living under?
Yes, this has been in the news many times ever since the Legislature was seated in December of 2022. There have been multiple threads about it here on Reddit.
Don't spend it all in one place!
New_Sun6390 t1_j7rdu8h wrote
Reply to comment by bull_bearings in Northeastern US discord group for skiing and snowboarding by bull_bearings
Thanks but no. I don't do discord. More importantly, I know from experience that the skiing attitude and habits of that demographic are so entrenched that they will never change. They are not having fun unless they are essentially doing a Chinese downhill. I am not kidding.
I have a friend who is a southern NE K skier who came to ski with me in Maine. I made it abundantly clear that he really needs to keep more of a distance between himself and others, including people within his own group, more than he would with his K crowd. He failed to do that, skied right on my tails to the point he nearly ran me over. I have no interest in skiing with him again.
New_Sun6390 t1_j7p91yb wrote
Sorry, but LOLing butt off. So would anyone who has ever skied at Killington surrounded by people from southern New England/NYC.
I did that twice ( had to give it two tries). Never. Again. These people have no sense of a proper amount of personal space. They move around in a pack like a swarm of black flies. They think nothing of nearly hitting people not part of their group. Not only annoying, but unsafe.
They can't even load a lift without turning it into a cluster f*ck.
Glad to see they still favor Killington because that hell hole is easy for us to avoid.
New_Sun6390 t1_j7ikza3 wrote
Reply to this is on their intranet as part of a 23-page propaganda piece about unions. 🤔 by ycleptKyara
The biggest issue I have with unions is the standardization of wages. The slackers get paid the same as the hardest workers. One person calls out frequently, does sloppy work, and has a bad attitude, while another worker is more reliable, has better quality work and a good attitude. It is not right that they both get paid the same.
Additionally, I have seen union members file frivolous grievances. A guy blatantly and repeatedly violates safety rules, gets written up on said violations, and files a grievance over getting written up. And good luck firing a union member, regardless of their work record.
I can see where unions played an important role in workers getting fair compensation and safe working conditions, but I question the benefits today
New_Sun6390 t1_j6tzv1c wrote
Reply to Most needed jobs in Maine? by Pleasentplayer1230
Trades -- electricians, plumbers, carpentry.
Health care -- doctors, nurses, home care for elderly
New_Sun6390 t1_j6fu2x9 wrote
Reply to VIP with that quick math by k1ckstand
VIP sucks. They have sucked for decades. I will not set foot in a VIP store since they screwed me over on a tire purchase.
New_Sun6390 t1_j68cdye wrote
The simplest way to lower your electric bill is to use less electricity.
Additionally, if you are referencing the new rate option for CMP customers with heat pumps, the utility has an on-line calculator that might help. Sorry for the long url.
New_Sun6390 t1_j66dupn wrote
Surprised this did not happen sooner. Now where are the children going to play soccer?
New_Sun6390 t1_j660grq wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in Friendly warning to Maine Versant power customers (Clearview scam) by BigFatBlindPanda
It is not Versant screwing you, it is the Standard Offer provider for their service area. Inexplicably, the MPUC does not list the current supplier, but it is likely one or more of the supplier's from years past: New Brunswick Power, NextEra, or Constellation. Blame them, not Versant, who has the unenviable job of billing on their behalf.
New_Sun6390 t1_j5w3jvj wrote
Reply to comment by YogiJ3ear in In need of help by YogiJ3ear
If your own business is not doing well, you might consider seeking a job at a local business or even Hannaford or Walmart. Virtually everyone is hiring right now. Adding to your debt load only makes a bad situation worse.
New_Sun6390 t1_j5tet2z wrote
Reply to CMP shenanigans? by Ifellinahole
Off. I've had auto pay for years and years. Even through the billing system transition in 2017, it has worked fine.
The only glitch was when I first enrolled. I was told it would take a billing cycle for it to kick in so I made a manual payment, then the auto pay took effect. Soba double payment. They wanted me to just let it sit for a month but I demanded a credit and got one.
New_Sun6390 t1_j5rczct wrote
Reply to comment by metalandmeeples in Remind us again why CMP is doubling and worse our electric bills? by easy_peasy_woeisme
In virtially every case, the regulators cut the increase down to a fraction of what the utility asks for. This means the utility will not be able to invest in the grid to improve service.
New_Sun6390 t1_j5r5sl7 wrote
It is actually New Brunswick Power and NextEra who are raising your electric bills.
The recent price increase in supply is NOT CMP's fault. CMP has zero control over supply prices, and gets no revenue from supply. CMP has the unenviable role of billing on the supplier's behalf, bit it is strictly a pass thru.
New_Sun6390 t1_j5r5jnm wrote
Reply to comment by Henbogle in Remind us again why CMP is doubling and worse our electric bills? by easy_peasy_woeisme
Totally not true.
New_Sun6390 t1_j5r598u wrote
Reply to comment by metalandmeeples in Remind us again why CMP is doubling and worse our electric bills? by easy_peasy_woeisme
>The delivery rate also increased in the summer of 2021 and is scheduled to increase another 30%.
Please provide data to back up this claim. The utility may have requested a rate increase, but simply asking for it does not mean it is "scheduled" to happen any time soon.
The recent price increase in supply is NOT CMP's fault. CMP has zero control over supply prices, and gets no revenue from supply. CMP has the unenviable role of billing on the supplier's behalf, bit it is strictly a pass thru.
New_Sun6390 t1_j5hlz64 wrote
Reply to Despicable by KermitThrush
Despicable indeed. Fortunately, he is no longer serving in office. Got his butt kicked in the primary!
New_Sun6390 t1_j5emor4 wrote
Reply to Solar Companies other than Revision? by Ordinary-Broad
CMP prices are not skyrocketing. CMP has no control over, and gets no revenue from, supply price increases.
Blame New Brunswick Power and NextEra for the skyrocketing supply increase.
Revision is in the dark business to makeoney. So are all the other installers. No altruism there, just profits
New_Sun6390 t1_j4c7xwc wrote
Reply to Choosing another Electricity Supplier by juskelly76
Sounds great, too great. Read. The. Fine. Print. Know when the contract ends and pay attention. These companies LOVE to jack prices up and hope you won't notice.
New_Sun6390 t1_j4bk2jz wrote
Heat pump, heat pump water heater, TWO chest freezers, and dehumidifier???
All that stuff could easily use 1400 kWh/ month. Frankly, I am surprised it's not higher. Dehumidifiers use a lot of energy.
My usage on a less than 1000 square feet house is around 400/month but I have no heat pump, freezers or dehumidifier and we only do one load of laundry a week. BTW, dehumidifiers use a lot of energy.
Furthermore, the blame for high kWh prices should be directed at the supply company, not CMP. Standard offer supply comes from New Brunswick Power and NextEra Energy. They just jacked up the supply rate by about 40 percent. Blame them.
New_Sun6390 t1_j9c3b2x wrote
Reply to comment by bigbluedoor in Only in Maine do you get asked to pull a weasel out of your friend's recliner... by Valligator19
>is that a pet weasel or a wild stoat?
Judging from its angry expression, my guess is wild stoat aka ermine aka short tailed weasel