
New_Sun6390 t1_iwrpdsu wrote

Are you sure that you lose any credits at the end of the calendar year, December, and not at the end of a 12-month period? I'm pretty sure with net metering the credits stayed on your account for 12 months and would drop off in the 13th month. But I'm not sure if the community solar rules are the same.

I've seen a lot of direct mail solicitations to join one of these community solar farms, but I have not decided to pull the trigger because I'm not sure if all of the hassle is worth possibly saving 15%.


New_Sun6390 t1_iwbusqv wrote

If you are interested in criminal defense, there is a need for lawyers in that area. Maine had no public defender system, so the state contracts with lawyers willing to take it on. This may change by the time you get out of law school and pass the bar, but it is something to consider.

It should not matter, but try to lose the accent. Listen to the radio a lot and practice talking when you are alone.


New_Sun6390 t1_ivqbx8y wrote

By law, they are only supposed to be up for a six week duration. They are also supposed to have a name and contact info on them so that if they are up past six weeks, there is someone to call to have them removed.

Of course there is zero enforcement of this.

I am just glad to be rid of the TV ads and mailers.


New_Sun6390 t1_itgl8z3 wrote

That was LePage. It happened in 2013 while he was governor.

IIRC, LePage was quite vocal with his view that meals, lodging, and car rental taxes were fair game because they are paid primarily by visitors from out of state. Problem is, that is not really true. But when did LePage ever care about the truth?


New_Sun6390 t1_isswig7 wrote

Um, no. If a customer orders from L.L. Bean and the item is shipped to Maine, customer pays sales tax on it. Period. There was a time that L. L. Bean did not put stores in sales tax states to avoid sales tax issues (I worked there during that time), but I am pretty sure that policy was abandoned .

As others have said, once L. L. Bean gives the package to UPS, it is subject to the shipper's logistics. It can be amusing to watch the shipping updates.