New_Sun6390 t1_j1dtplk wrote
Reply to comment by tedward2032 in Is it legal to put up flyers? by Glum_Bicycle8898
Please tell me that was sarcasm. Anything sharp caN damage the protective rubber gloves electric line workers wear, rendering them useless for protecting against electrical contact.
So if you think I am being funny, you are an AH.
New_Sun6390 t1_j1bz6rm wrote
Reply to Is it legal to put up flyers? by Glum_Bicycle8898
It is illegal in many states tho I am not sure about NH. The poles are the property of the utility. Staples and nails used to attach signs pose a danger to line workers and that is why many states have laws against u authorized attachments
New_Sun6390 t1_j0sy3mb wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
Well clearly you think you can do a better job operating the power grid. So by all means, apply for a job at the utility and show them how it is done. Dick.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0sqvux wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
SCADA, sectionalizing, and fault detection absolutely can help to shorten outage duration so you are wrong again.
Weather related outages will happen. Utilities are always striving to improve reliability, bit they cannot control the weather. Learn to deal with it.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0ry9j8 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
>Did not realize I needed a PhD to have life experience
Thank you for proving your ignorance on this matter. I gave you three examples of electric grid innovation and you come back with a personal attack. Sweet.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0rhjwv wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
>They've had 50+ years to be innovative yet have still not arrived at that stage.
And what data do you have to back up this claim? Are you saying SCADA, fault detection and sectionalization devices, and advanced metering are not innovative?
Do tell us what you think they should be doing. Start with your qualifications for making such claims.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0r2ku4 wrote
Reply to comment by 20thMaine in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
The cost of underground utilities is indeed insane. There have been a multitude of studies done on this. Essentially imagine adding $100 a month to your residential electric bill in perpetuity. The cost of repairing the infrastructure that's already in place is much less than the cost to bury everything.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0r2bvd wrote
Reply to comment by farmingmaine in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
Got news for you. Virtually the entire New England grid is owned by either the Spaniards or the Brits. Some of it is owned by the Canucks. We're in a global economy and currently there is no regulation at any level that forbids foreign ownership of a company. I don't like it either, but that is the way it is.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0r22ml wrote
Reply to comment by BracedRhombus in Power Outages by pimpwalkjohnson
There are very specific regulations on how much can be cut. And anytime the utility starts to get more aggressive with his tree cutting programs people have a cow because they don't want to lose any of their trees. These same people bitch like crazy every time the lights go out during a storm. In my very humble opinion your best bet is to get a standby generator and have an electrician hook it up properly so it doesn't electrocute the line workers when they're out there trying to fix stuff.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0nsp0x wrote
Reply to comment by kegido in Not even 13mph gusts and less than 5 inches in Cornish. Yet my power keeps surging 😞 by [deleted]
So why did Boulder abandon the idea?
New_Sun6390 t1_j0nsco6 wrote
Reply to comment by nattatalie in Not even 13mph gusts and less than 5 inches in Cornish. Yet my power keeps surging 😞 by [deleted]
>if it’s between 32 and 40 degree when it’s snowing (which is usually is) you can put your food outside in a box and keep it safe.
I am amazed that so many people do not understand this. There is ZERO reason to lose a fridge full of food in winter because of a snowstorm.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0ns3q7 wrote
Reply to comment by FITM-K in Not even 13mph gusts and less than 5 inches in Cornish. Yet my power keeps surging 😞 by [deleted]
Really? Are you an engineer who knows all there is to know about power reliability? Or are you Seth Berry or one of his minions?
New_Sun6390 t1_j0nrxzm wrote
Reply to comment by FITM-K in Not even 13mph gusts and less than 5 inches in Cornish. Yet my power keeps surging 😞 by [deleted]
Right. Cuz a different owner can magically improve the weather to the point there will be er again be heavy snow, ice, or coastal storms.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0jdnhb wrote
Reply to Not even 13mph gusts and less than 5 inches in Cornish. Yet my power keeps surging 😞 by [deleted]
Had ours go out at 8:30. Back on by 9:00. Pretty quick response.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0f1jtt wrote
Ice fishing
New_Sun6390 t1_j0df0g9 wrote
Reply to comment by Maldonian in Why are so many of the homes dated? by needsab0uttreefiddy
Well the house that I own with my husband is nowhere near a million dollar home. It is a starter home. It was a starter home when we bought it and it will always be a starter home unless somebody buys it, bulldozes it down, and builds a mcmansion. Now our house has Cherry cabinets (gasp!), carpeting, and walls that are painted a very neutral kind of off-white color. I am sure anybody who looks at it will say it's outdated. Yet, it is perfectly functional. They can kiss my ass. I do not want stark white cabinets nor do I want the walls painted some trendy color that's going to go out of style in 6 months. And there is no way I'm going to buy fancy furniture and a hundred different throw pillows to put on top of it just to satisfy somebody's fashion sense. If we ever sell it it's probably going to be sold as is.
New_Sun6390 t1_j0bdpcn wrote
Here's a bigger question. Why do so many people searching for homes expect something to be absolutely perfect and in line with their own personal tastes? And why do they feel compelled to whine about it to strangers on the internet about it?
New_Sun6390 t1_j040din wrote
Reply to Potential lawsuit? by [deleted]
Insurance on my late-model vehicle costs about $500 a year. Liability, collision, comprehensive, non-insured motorist, the whole shebang. Yeah, it is a bit of a scam but not so much last year when my windshield got busted.
Why on God's Good Earth do people drive around without having insurance on their motor vehicles?
New_Sun6390 t1_izvhm3p wrote
Reply to comment by Kmanuele11 in What’s everyone’s favorite NH ski slope?! by notFrankConery69
Right. Because God forbid people stay on terrain suited to their ability.
People like you who promote skiing beyond one's ability cause ski wrecks.
New_Sun6390 t1_izen40y wrote
Reply to comment by nullcompany in Lots of cheap houses for sale in Berlin NH. Is there a reason I don't want to live there? I can understand if no jobs (I can work remotely). Any other reasons? Also how is the rental market? I'm asking because there are inexpensive multi units for sale. by RedLeafRoy
Um, no. Berlin's is near none of those places, but Claremont is.
New_Sun6390 t1_iycxfrl wrote
Two pronged approach. Company pays a fee to get on the list, and employees are encouraged (more like pressured) to back them up. Basically fake news.
New_Sun6390 t1_ixyw3j8 wrote
Reply to comment by MakingItUpAsWeGoOk in Winter Vest? by wandrefilled
Down is great when it's super cold and dry. But it can be TOO warm if you do a lot of walking around and generate your own body heat. Worse, if down gets wet, it is absolutely useless because it clumps up. I spend a lot of time outdoors in winter and I do not own a single down jacket or vest.
Your best bet staying warm in winter is to dress in layers and yes, have a decent winter jacket. There are synthetic substitutes for down that work better, IMHO.
New_Sun6390 t1_ixwrqh2 wrote
Reply to comment by J4ywolf in Can I legally Drive by myself if I have a permit? by J4ywolf
I failed my first time for rolling thru a stop sign as well. So did more than half the people I knew who had to drive the same route for their tests. The examiners pick intersections with stop signs set way back in order to fail people.
I have also been t-boned at an intersection, despite having right of way, looking both ways, and seeing the other car slow down. I got over it and got on with my life.
Stop using "depression" and "PTSD" as excuses for your lack of adulting skills. If you are that afraid to drive, move to a city with public transit so you won't have to drive.
New_Sun6390 t1_ixazifm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Revision Energy cost to remove and reinstall experience by Milamber14
It sounded to me like the panel installation damaged the roof and caused the leak. If that is not the case, I stand corrected.
New_Sun6390 t1_j1fq6xf wrote
Reply to comment by tedward2032 in Is it legal to put up flyers? by Glum_Bicycle8898
>All staples are obviously at the bottom and aren’t really a problem lol
Unless you have to climb the pole. Without benefit of aerial lift.