Ng3me t1_ivv4n2j wrote
Reply to comment by LBITruckee in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
BuT WhAt AbOuT mY dOG!1!!?
Ng3me t1_ivv3m4d wrote
Dog owners suck.
Ng3me t1_ivv3k0g wrote
Reply to comment by LBITruckee in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
You’re just as bad as them, really. A “no dog” park is so kids don’t have to play in your dog’s shit.
Ng3me t1_iueaxvv wrote
Reply to Mischief Night by [deleted]
I think it’s kind of a thing of the past. Kids talk about it but it’s nothing.
Ng3me t1_iue0hvx wrote
Reply to West Philly unveiled a shipping-container shopping mall in a unique effort to boost small businesses by ColdJay64
I hope it works. I hope there’s enough foot traffic for it.
Ng3me t1_iue05gr wrote
Trilogy, right? All iterations of that club have been bad news.
Ng3me t1_iu6ydxf wrote
Reply to Whose ass do I gotta eat to get street signs on all 4 corners of an intersection? by TheKidPresident
Mark Squilla, but you had to start in 1998 and your name needs to end in a vowel. It also helps if you live in south jersey.
Ng3me t1_itz42ei wrote
Reply to Why does everyone dress in sweaters and jackets when the weather is in the mid 60s? by [deleted]
I don’t know. It’s like 40 degrees in the morning when you leave the house so you need a coat then it gets warmer later and maybe you're a little over dressed. The last couple of days have been especially “in between”. That’s fall weather, right?
Ng3me t1_it47bq9 wrote
Reply to comment by owwweee in Biden/Fetterman today? by PhillyPanda
Washington and Adams spent a ton of time here as President.
Ng3me t1_it478fh wrote
Reply to comment by pcomet235 in Biden/Fetterman today? by PhillyPanda
10k prob gets you a lot from a city council member, a bit from a state senator, your name remembered by a US congress member, and absolutely nothing from US senator or above.
Ng3me t1_isyxbtw wrote
Reply to comment by Scumandvillany in PPD audit: Review identifies flaws that affect crime response by Easy-Reading
All the reasons the right wing nut jobs give for hating unions are actually things their bffs the cops do all the time.
Ng3me t1_ire37iu wrote
Reply to comment by yvesaintlaurent in City of Phila apology to inmates by watchthetracker
The Eastern State gift shop used to sell it. They may still.
Ng3me t1_ir535jr wrote
Reply to Philadelphia among best cities for Gen Z by ColdJay64
Read it as “best city for Jay Z”.
Ng3me t1_ivv72uh wrote
Reply to comment by LBITruckee in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
And you’re more selfish than most. You’ve got a social order you’d like people to adhere to (poop bags) but a literally city ordinance enforcing a social order (no dogs) isn’t something you think is worth following. That’s pretty selfish.