
Ng3me t1_j6nx93p wrote

I agree with Gym on plenty of topics and would vote for her for council again and probably state rep. But not mayor. I just don’t think she is any good at managing an actual city. Most of her progressive causes are pretty agreed upon here. Yeah we’re all pro-immigrant but what are you doing about trash pickup?


Ng3me t1_j63v2wz wrote

I had a teacher in HS who, when asked, always said he accepted bribes and then did the math with the class. He explained that he could lose his job if caught. That meant we had to start at $60,000 plus healthcare another $10k. He also figured that it would take two years to get recertified to teach somewhere so double that. $140K. Plus the cost of whatever course work and test fees another $5,000 and possible moving expenses because PA is giving him his teaching license back. $5,000. That’s $150,000 minimum offer. That was his minimum price. Gift cards? Get out of here.


Ng3me t1_j5uika4 wrote

Another “responsible gun owner against people asking gun owners to behave responsibly.”

Look these places sell dangerous deadly weapons and they are largely left to do whatever they want. We’ve had huge settlements against pharmaceutical companies and distributors for releasing opioids into our communities. The NRA makes sure no gun sellers face any similar consequences. It’s wild. It is well within reason to scrutinize how guns are stored in these stores.

Also, there are already laws against stealing from gun stores and these people are being investigated and pursued.


Ng3me t1_j5tnqrg wrote

Well I guess John Street will be the shadow mayor and Rhynhart will restart whatever crooked airport deal got him in trouble 20 years ago. You’ve all figured it out.

I’m not some super Rhynhart fan. I don’t think she’s really come out with many actual policies other than vague talk of efficiency. Like what does she think we should do on safety, parks, libraries, land use, transit, etc. but people are going Q anon level goofy on Street endorsing her. It’s a fucking endorsement from a former mayor saying “she’s qualified for the job. A job that 6 living people have ever done. And I’ll use my network to help her and give any advice she asks for.” Y’all are nutty.