
Nixx_Mazda t1_jan4t25 wrote

Welcome to adulting. Sucks sometimes, eh?

As to your original question, I'll let you know when it happens. I think it's mainly luck. Right place at the right time, and get your foot in the door somehow.

I met some people online. It started with group beers, progressed to hanging out together, house/cat sitting, good friends...but things change eventually. So back to the search...or not.

There might be a million people in the area that I'd consider hanging out with, but we're all too busy living our own lives to make serious time for someone new.



Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j9ws0eh wrote

I did just move this week (local so same climate). New place might be 'more dry', combined with this cold weather. Sinuses feel the same as they have the last 3 years though.

Had a weird hour or two where it was really bugging me, but I think it's getting better now. If it continues tomorrow I think I'll have to go get it checked out.

Thanks for the tip.


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j9m2kqi wrote

Oh LOL, I have my 20 year old Manfrotto 3021Pro that I use.

Right after this shot I moved closer and did some bracketed exposures, to make HDR. The HDR just doesn't look right, this natural dark look is better.

Sunrise was happening and the light was changing. I had other views to photograph too. ;) The Tree of Life is cool, but not the best picture I got that day.


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j9jvvdo wrote

Mistakes were made. Those are my footsteps.

I could have moved back some and gotten more sky reflection in the water...then the tree would have been smaller. I did more shots from up closer that show the tree better.

I can edit it to be brighter, but it looks fake. The hole under the tree is just dark, especially at this time of day.


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j8mhsij wrote

Thanks. It's a short story. I pretty much just cropped it.

I suuuuuuuck at editing. These were pretty good straight out of camera, though. I shoot RAW+JPG, here's some of the SOOC JPGs.

It was a good day. This is 5934, cropped some. The light trails are fun. 5930 is a very good one, especially when cropped on the mountain.

Canon RP, 24-105 f/4L at f/4, 1/3 sec, ISO 400