
NoFilterNoLimits t1_jeenjym wrote

The World Map is hanging on my wall šŸ˜‚

I can usually hold out on the new sets but when something I want is retiring I struggle to help myself. Iā€™ve bought a few retired sets and I donā€™t wanna fall down that rabbit hole.

Lego Masters definitely doesnā€™t help! I follow too many Lego YT channels too.


NoFilterNoLimits t1_jeecv8g wrote

The best thing I did for my relationship with money was form a zero based budget. It let me responsibly decide how much I could spend on frivolity without sacrificing big picture goals. Itā€™s a very useful exercise, i highly recommend it.

There are several software options that can help you set it up - or Excel. I use YNAB4, but they donā€™t sell it anymore. I highly recommend it if you can find a copy online

There are a few similar systems I havenā€™t tried

r/actualbudget r/AspireBudgeting r/Budgetwithbuckets r/everydollar

The new r/YNAB is subscription based and IMHO, overpriced. There are threads there about alternatives from time to time


NoFilterNoLimits t1_j6i3roo wrote

Have you even tried to sell it yet? Try. Based on the KBB values you posted, itā€™s entirely possible you break even. Donā€™t hold the car for 7 more months while it depreciates because you assume youā€™ll get under 18k now. You said KBB goes as high as 22k. It doesnā€™t cost you a dime to take it by Carmax or Carvana and at least find out.

Make your decisions with facts, not assumptions


NoFilterNoLimits t1_j2a45a9 wrote

Double check with SSA but the default is to not withhold taxes from that, so in most cases they do not need to file and would get nothing back

But, itā€™s always easy to answer the questions on FreeTaxUSA and see what the actual return would be. It costs nothing but a little time


NoFilterNoLimits t1_iyds3b6 wrote

Sometimes taking entry level jobs is a good financial choice because of the growth potential in the career. So Iā€™m not sure I agree with your decision to ignore the career field your existing degrees opened for you.


NoFilterNoLimits t1_iydmtgz wrote

What are the things you could do with 40k?

Have a downpayment for a home

Have a chunk of cash to invest and begin growing wealth.

Have a downpayment for a duplex and begin house hacking

Take a journey around the world

Piss it away at roulette (donā€™t recommend)

If you can do this, itā€™s a great opportunity to set your adult life off on a great foot. The wiki has a lot of great advice