NoNefariousness2144 t1_iuibhm9 wrote
Reply to comment by yodimboi in ‘Stargirl’ Ending With Season 3 on The CW by MarvelsGrantMan136
I hope the writers know this and plan a good ending this season.
NoNefariousness2144 t1_iuibf8d wrote
Reply to comment by SuspendedInKarmaMama in ‘Stargirl’ Ending With Season 3 on The CW by MarvelsGrantMan136
A sad fact is that the Marvel Disney+ shows are CW shows but with 20 times the budget.
It is unfortunately true. Apart from Wanda and Loki, the Disney+ shows stretch out their plots similar to CW, while following the same trend of a slow start, a huge cliffhanger for episode 4/5, and then an underwhelming finale that barely changes the status quo.
NoNefariousness2144 t1_iuib6p9 wrote
Reply to comment by RecommendsMalazan in ‘Stargirl’ Ending With Season 3 on The CW by MarvelsGrantMan136
It seems like every CW show planned spinoffs. Obviously we got Legends of Tomorrow, but Arrow also planned shows focused on Black Canary and also Oliver Queen’s daughter that never happened. Then there were rumours we would get a Green Lantern show with Diggle, while we may still get the ‘Justice U’ show with Diggle.
NoNefariousness2144 t1_iucjzay wrote
Reply to comment by inksmudgedhands in All three seasons of 'Mr. Mercedes' are coming to Disney+ in Australia & New Zealand on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022. by HumanOrAlien
I didn’t watch season 3. So they just >!showed Brady getting his powers in season 2, then adapted the book about the book thief/killer?!<.
NoNefariousness2144 t1_itn6fv2 wrote
Reply to comment by Picard2331 in Will The Expanse ever get the last 3 seasons to finish out the last 3 books? by MajorRichardHead7
I want to see the end of book 8 with >!the resistance heading through Laconia’s ringgate and charging their planet. Visually I imagine it like the end of Rise of Skywalker with all the ships but better!<.
NoNefariousness2144 t1_ivb7ihv wrote
Reply to comment by WeDriftEternal in Deadwood : 3 seasons and a movie . by Extension-Carry2584
Is it like Black Sails where season 1 is a bit slow but it's worth sticking with?