
NoWarButMyWar t1_jecqrbl wrote

What you posted is the source. The same source eviction defense groups use actually, the L&I site. This person was probably eligible for eviction diversion but the city does piss poor outreach in making that clear. You need a valid rental license to even file an eviction, but people still get evicted extrajudicially or sign over their right to fight it in court in exchange for rent forgiveness. End of the day someone was SHOT IN THE HEAD for refusing homelessness.


NoWarButMyWar t1_jdn078x wrote

GRS is already illegal for children and blockers prevent trans kids from going through a puberty they don’t want and developing secondary sex characteristics making it harder to pass as an adult. Newsflash dipshit, if the state is intervening on peoples bodily autonomy and private medical decisions between doctor and patient it’s creeping into totalitarianism.


NoWarButMyWar t1_jdmx304 wrote

Jesus Christ START following it because some of the most atrocious anti lgbtq laws have been getting passed in nearly half of all US states this past year. Try giving a shit about your fellow human beings. If you have twitter follow Erin Reed she’s covering nearly every single one of them.


NoWarButMyWar t1_j6lg65a wrote

10th st south of Market tonight the entire bike lane was filled with cars all the way down to Chestnut. I was driving and had to let a cyclist who realized there was nowhere to go take the lane. Not a problem for me, but many Philadelphias think they own the fucking road once they’re in a car. All this could’ve been avoided if PPA actually ticketed parking the bike lanes and with bollards.


NoWarButMyWar t1_j3zqfpd wrote

Counties especially large urban centers can ignore state laws or simply choose not to enforce. We decriminalized cannabis for instance. TF the state gonna do put state troopers on our streets? The state constitution also grants a lot of leeway to counties in many areas. That’s how progress gets made.


NoWarButMyWar t1_ixkbyn6 wrote

Even with earned time for good behavior the very minimum he should’ve been able to get out of jail with is like 6.5 months on an 11.5 to 23 sentence (at least in Chester Co not sure about Philly but doubt it varies THAT much). So how much time did he really do is the question. Source: Was locked up.