
No_Analysis6187 t1_j9lsac9 wrote

I prefer my music to sound close to me as opposed to making it feels like a concert that you get on headphone or speakers, so I chose IEM any day. When comparing items at the same price, I very much prefer Andromeda compared to DCA Aeon 2 or Audeze LCD-2, they just sounded more pleasing and more practical to me. Of course, the soundstage is much bigger in headphones but I can feel note textures and details better in IEM.

Edit: I already got to the point where the only headphone I keep is LCD-2 for 7 sake, but I rarely use them, maybe only a few days a month. I suggest OP try both himself and find what you like better.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j9ifi81 wrote

oBravo ERIB 2C. I expected a complete disaster after reading reviews about their other models and how much oBravo were made fun of in crinacle's discord (or any other audio discord for that matter). I was completely blown away by their speaker like presentation. They weren't the most detailed or refined sound I have heard in that price, but it was a completely new experience to find speaker-like sound on an IEM.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j97nsri wrote

Actually you WILL notice the metal build. It will give you lots of confidence in wearing it, whether it be using them for commuting or laying on the side with them. A little extra durability and premium feel are always appreciated. Besides, if it address the peakiness on Chu then shouldn't that be big enough of a difference? You really shouldn't be expecting massive difference in anything below $80.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j8r46o6 wrote

Of course, from my experience the material themselves rarely matters. The stock copper cables that come with my empire ears have more pronounced mid treble compared to an aftermarket silver one, even though people say copper were supposed to sound warm.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j8mj54c wrote

Try something sensitive like CA Andromeda or EE Zeus XIV and compare their stock cables with something like Tacables Obsidian / Rubine. I was a non believer until I tried cable swapping these IEMs.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j83o53q wrote

It changes the sound a lot on some very sensitive IEM. I used them with Zen Dac and EE Zeus XIV (a lot more sensitive than Andromeda), the sound became very bassy and the upper mid that Zeus specializes in becomes way overshadowed by the bass. Kinda funny because normally Zeus XIV barely have any bass lol.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j6gzpqo wrote

Reply to comment by luna-satella in oh chifi, never change by Nosapaw

Yeah, HD600 cost around $400 in where I live (Indonesia), but you can still get the likes of S12 or Kato for normal price. Some sellers unfortunately intentionally mark up the price because something is very popular though, like how Hexa costs above $100 here.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j6got5r wrote

On one side it's good to keep the industry progressing and make it more accessible to the mass, on the other hand, there's no end to chifi hype train lol, back then I just sorta gave up with them and decided to get something more proper instead.