
No_Background4037 t1_j6ovqzs wrote

But I don't know if it's enough time for her to show she has truly kicked the habit. I am also worried I will never meet my financial goals if I am with her. Her income is more than enough to pay off her mortgage and build wealth, but she doesn't want to.


No_Background4037 t1_j6ovegy wrote

Thank you. She claims that she was exposed to gambling because she use to work in a casino, and alot of her friends use to play for fun. And it had never been a problem because she has been single for a long time and her income was always high.

She has only stopped using the pokies for 4 months. But realises she has lost enough money to buy 2 houses in the last 20 years. She wants to stop and is reluctant to buy any extra properties because she doesn't want to take on any more debt. Her parents are reliant on her income as their retirement. (She sends money home every month)