
No_Confection_1086 t1_j677cu0 wrote

Yes, I joined this forum because I'm interested in artificial intelligence. I've met a lot of names and I like to hear the news, but in fact, everyone who makes perfectly reasonable comments like yours is attacked. this forum is mostly made up of sci fi lovers. if you had said that the singularity would happen next year and that you could date a jennifer lawrence robot you would have gotten a lot of likes


No_Confection_1086 t1_j4yypdn wrote

I think people in this group are completely unhappy with life and that's why they create these fables. agi is coming and will change this horrible world. like those religious fanatics when they see something that is not visible and say that Christ is coming and is going to save the world. maybe a guy tomorrow, or next year or 2 or 3 from now, will find out how to achieve agi, but today nobody has any idea, what we have today will never be agi