
t1_iu1g6yo wrote

I don’t think any of it is safe. I have ridden this route every day for seven years. I want and need it to be safe. But taking away the only place cars can stop for deliveries and stop in an emergency makes no sense to me. I don’t consider this safe for vehicles or bikes. I don’t consider this safe for rescue vehicles needing to get the hospital quickly, or fire engines who are at the station opposite this picture. I feel like we are trying to do too much in too little a space and it’s bound to cause issues. Out of all the bike lines that have been built around Boston, I find the stretch of Cambridge street from govt center down to the bridge to be particularly concerning.


t1_iu0ojb5 wrote

None of this makes sense. Because it’s now a very crowded two line road in front of a major hospital and you can’t have cars stopping in the riding lanes. Cars need somewhere to pull over. I agree we need bike lines. But taking away the safe spaces for cars to pull over is crazy. What’s going to happen the first time an ambulance can’t get through because cars are stopped in the driving lane. I don’t think this was well thought out. And I’m a biker who uses this street.
