No_need_for_that99 t1_jdhwlla wrote
Reply to Not a serious gamer buy considering an Xbox Series X — am I making a mistake? by bocologist
If your TV has a proper gaming mode with VRR, then the xbox will definitely take advantage of it.
I only have xbox One, but I still use the crap out of it on my 4k tv, which has all the gaming options I could ever want.
I may not play 4K xbox on it, but I do play many of my computer games in 4k... so I can appreciate a 4K tv.
Vizion ftw.
No_need_for_that99 t1_jd3i7of wrote
Reply to comment by CheezyWeasels in How can I remove this stain on my Xbox Series X without damaging the casing? Warm water and bit of soap didn’t work. Alcohol seemingly worked until it dried up and stain came back. Don’t know what it is, it just appeared. by Alan126798
I CAME here for this comment.
No_need_for_that99 t1_jc26ex2 wrote
Reply to comment by THEY_CALL_ME_FACE in Why are video game consoles photographed standing up now? by THEY_CALL_ME_FACE
Well, the disc trays were created on machines intended to lie down... the standing up part was simply a niche feature.... But the trays were never reinforced to be used at that angle.
But most PS3, Wii, Wii U, Xbox one and later are fine because they have no disc trays.
Makes sense when you think about, the plastics trays are flimsy in most cases. Not like Computer based Disc trays which are solid plastic and made for any orientation
No_need_for_that99 t1_jbqj77h wrote
I have ps2 and 3.
mind you they are lying down now, since I have more room, but other then that I have always had them standing. plus it looked cooler.
But it wears on the disc trays.
If you don't have a disc tray, then it's fine.
That's why many xbox 360's would stop reading disc unless they were laying down.
Simple oversight I suppose
No_need_for_that99 OP t1_jbpihws wrote
Reply to comment by FamiNES in Hey guys ,would anyone be interested in starting an exchange program to move around our spare games? by No_need_for_that99
OH wow, I didn't know that was a thing!
thank you so much!
No_need_for_that99 t1_jblohwm wrote
A lot easier to play windows based games with your xbox buddies, thats why I like it more.
When I was playing ninja turtles, I had some friends over playing on my couch while I had other friends playing on gamepass pc and i think we some others from Epic games as well.
So much fun,
No_need_for_that99 OP t1_jbl08du wrote
Reply to comment by OkSquash8739 in Hey guys ,would anyone be interested in starting an exchange program to move around our spare games? by No_need_for_that99
oh yeah, no doubt.
I used to emulate everything and legit play everything too.
I'm slowly modding my consoles, so I can play off hard drives or sd cards at this point anyways.
But I will be ripping only the games I own, it's not as much fun collecting anymore since i've fallen into the trap of buying just because it's there and cheap. I'm making an effort to play my consoles and such, and everything is hooked up to a low end projector, so I don't get a million pixels, and it's fantastic.
At the end of the day, I mean I could just hook a pc to my projector as well, and just run everything like that too... but I guess this is a bit late to the game since the value of a lot of the games now, kinda make it less fun. lol
No_need_for_that99 OP t1_jbksffo wrote
Reply to comment by OkSquash8739 in Hey guys ,would anyone be interested in starting an exchange program to move around our spare games? by No_need_for_that99
Possible, I guess, so. I mean it wouldnt have be 1000 people, lol.
But this exchange would be free of charge except shipping i suppose.
I know we have gamepass and such, but I was thinking maybe more for the retro gamers. People who play N64, Ps2, Ps1.... etc.
I have original xbox, xbox360, xbox one, ps2, ps3, n64, wii, wiu and a ds and a dreamcast.I wouldnt have much to offer on wii, wii-u, ds and dreamcast but my older consoles have a good bunch of dupilcates...
No money exchanges, just games. The good ol fashion joys of mailling something and waiting for something to comeback.
But maybe a more local approach as you say would be better. I just thought it would be a fun thing to do. Makes game hunting a little fun where you would get browse adds for games and offer up exchanges.
No_need_for_that99 t1_jahuvg0 wrote
Reply to comment by Mizdrake in What’s a good price to sell this for? I don’t want to get screwed over:/ by Pale-Department-7898
200$ ?Damn. I'm so happy they sell for like 40$ in My region of the world. Very few inflated game prices here.
But it really depends if you're selling purely for collection purposes or you're selling simply to let another person of family have fun with an oldschool console.
Mind you I think festers quest is getting a little rare out there these days
No_need_for_that99 t1_ja9v23s wrote
Reply to comment by babyexistential in As a n00b Skyrim lover - will I enjoy games on the Xbox Series S? by babyexistential
Elden ring is waaaaaaaaaaay more bearable.
Only difference is ... I can't finish a single sentence when I get in the lozing zone, but it just comes down to not being trigger happy.
The open world nature of it is awesome, and most importantly, it's now patched to hell, so less exploits, more stability and Coop is so much fun.
No_need_for_that99 t1_ja9hgmf wrote
I own all the darksouls... and never finished a single one.... and sucked at them too. lol
I really only Enjoyed elden ring.
If you can Skyrim through backwards compatibility on xbox, it should be pretty sweet.
Or I suppose if there is some kind of upgraded version from the previous gen like xbox one... that runs on the newer hardware.
Its a pretty solid vanilla experience. (not a bad thing either)
Maybe you might like Fallout, Dragonage, kingdom come deliverance, dragon's dogma, GREED FALL, ..... maybe middle earth showdow of war,..... maybe try out the whole main series of darksiers, darksiders 2 and darksiders 3.
No_need_for_that99 t1_ja8vxo4 wrote
Reply to Sorry if this has already been discussed on here. But which next gen console is better? PS5 or Xbox series X??? by Acc0untNumber3
Quick insert...
It depends on what you Want.
Ps5 is a bit stronger in terms performance, but xbox often has less visual hickups
Xbox also gets you gamepass...
Also, one last thing... they are now CURRENT GEN. lol
No_need_for_that99 t1_j8j3nh5 wrote
Reply to Why is the PS5 all the sudden easier to find in stock at stores than a Series X? by Kelefane41
Well microsofts goal is to really fill everyone's home with the Series S.
That's where all the money is at for them. Pretty sure at this point they have sold more Series S then X.
The big daddy console is better sure but we know most of the market will end up using it for it's youtube, prime videos, disney plus and netflix use over time, lol.
So in the end, they are doing everyone a favor
No_need_for_that99 t1_j6ou1zh wrote
Reply to Can you help me decide on a console? My PS4 is dying. Xbox Series X vs PS5 by Guitarduderino
Xbox game pass is awesome, I still use my xbox one with it, but I use the shit out gamepass on pc now. I was hardcore console guy until I got to the xbox one where all consoles were having a hard time keeping up... I made a switch.. and havent looked back, but I keep my xbox around cause it's hooked up to my projector for me and the boys to local coop games ... and also for my netflix. lol
But the library access to my 360 games is also perfect on there, and as someone who has bad arthritis in the hands, only the xbox controller doesn't hurt my hands.
(I originally incurred some minor nerve damage when the original playstation came out, lol... but they had advertised it could cause hand problemsa... that didn't stop from getting a ps2 and ps3... but it got harder and harder to play because the controller is funky and it hurts me to play on them.)
Long story short.... Xbox.
No_need_for_that99 t1_j64y90r wrote
I can charge my iphone in 2.35 cm!
No_need_for_that99 t1_j4we7yz wrote
Market place works great for affordability.
Some will mail it out to you as well, as long you pay first.
(Never been burned)
Also, goodwills, some pawnshops are open to barganing as well.
Salvation armies.... etc.
Otherwise, buy old consoles sold for parts, and have fun learning how to fix them. :)
No_need_for_that99 t1_j4q7k3w wrote
Reply to I brought a ps3 and a game disc for it. During cutscenes the game freezes and plays the last word of dialogue. It happens at the exact same point and I cannot process. Is this a console or CD issue? by PrimaryTeddy
Well if it happens at the same spot all the time, more then likely it is the game disc.
Try it out in someone else's Ps3 to confirm.
I had a bad brand new copy of DOA and it didnt work from a bad burn at the factory.
No_need_for_that99 t1_j4mnfbk wrote
Reply to Why is nintendo switch so popular? by [deleted]
Good games, re-release of classics, big library, portable and can be turned into a normal console.
Lightweight, acceptable battery life.... just plain ol fun.
People could ask the same about the Big boy Consoles.
They underperform, have hard time keeping 60fps, power hungry, lots of heat... is not portable, games are expensive, less couch/livingroom coop.....
Great... now i'm wondering why i like consoles now. ha ha
No_need_for_that99 t1_j4mk36q wrote
Reply to Unplug TV to play xbox by Puzzled_Product_5621
Are you using a switcher, this might fix your problem.
I've heard of some xbox's working better with switcher because of a power issue.
No_need_for_that99 t1_j4lpafv wrote
Depends on if you want games, or a RGH system, or if it's just the console.
• Just the console - Between 25-40$ is fair based on the condition of the system.
• With games - Between 50-100$ is fair based on number of games and if comes with kinect.
• RGH system - Between 50-200$ is based on the amount of stuff on their hard drives, such games and emulators and more.
But that's just me though.
(Also, this is based on our FB market place prices, also, am in canada.. so might not be general same in your area, but regardless, i think these are fair prices.
No_need_for_that99 t1_j3mij7y wrote
It may have been mentionned, but make sure you have your HDMI plugged into your Gaming port (if your TV has one). My TV has one and all the gaming features are only activated when it detects a video game console.
No_need_for_that99 t1_j1ehhln wrote
Reply to What caused this? by TrashAtEverything_
It can also happen when your battery gets too cold.
No_need_for_that99 t1_j15uv76 wrote
Reply to comment by Gay_Charlie in Ask Me About Any Game and I'll Provide My Honest Opinion by Gay_Charlie
well, at least I still got you opinion.
The Tales series, is an everlasting one, so i thought maybe you would have grown with the series.
I tried... but after a while... Tales just Didn't feel like Tales anymore. :(
No_need_for_that99 t1_j15ahbg wrote
What's your opinion on Tales of destiny on Snes ?
What's your opinion on Ogre battle tactics on Snes?
No_need_for_that99 t1_jebdo2c wrote
Reply to What consoles have you owned/had throughout your life? by dzolympics
• Atari 2600 + 5200
• Colecco Vision
• WII + Wii U
• Gameboy + Gameboy Color
• Gameboy Advanced + Nintendo DS
• Xbox + Xbox 360
• Xbox One
• Playstation + Playstation 2
• Playstation 3
• Sega Genenis + Sega CD + Sega 32X
• Sega Dreamcast
• Sega Gamegear
These have been owned at one time, I have gotten them later in life.
But I stil have most of them. :) I really miss my sega genesis almost more then anything, lol.