
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j8nudt3 wrote

We can and should do this in a grassroots way. Keep large jugs of water, soil, planters and whatever we want to plant in there. Have a discord chat or something to communicate, and whenever someone notices an empty spot, mobilize whomever is available in orange vests and plant that shit. What could anyone say about it? The parking there is technically illegal.

EDIT: I’m not kidding. Vigilante beautification since the city has absolved themselves of any responsibility for this.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6omaha wrote

Ok but the solution isn’t to just shrug and accept things like having to walk your kid in the fucking street because some jerkoffs in Dodge Rams or BMWs have blocked three of the 4 crosswalks. Other cities have similar density and don’t have this issue.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6olszx wrote

This would just encourage more assholes to hoard more cars they don’t drive, or to continue to purchase unnecessarily large vehicles, both of which are a huge part of the issue.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6awwun wrote

It’s not SEPTA’s burden to solve or even mitigate these problems. It shouldn’t be a controversial take to suggest that we should be able to take a train without worrying about being attacked, or stepping in excrement, or any other number of unpleasantries.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6auwij wrote

I have no idea how you think you my comment is racist, at all. The fuck? I don’t have hard evidence that fare evaders are the main problem children on the trains but don’t pretend it’s an absurd assertion. A train fare is $2-2.50, and there are subsidized programs as well. Let’s not pretend the people jumping a turnstile are just down on their luck or some nonsense.