
NonIdentifiableUser t1_iy60duk wrote

Absolutely ridiculous. There’s thousands of people coming and going right now through these intersections. I swear these clowns now are so fucking brazen. I don’t recall this many shootings in heavily trafficked areas in the past, they just DGAF anymore. Probably teenagers.


NonIdentifiableUser t1_ixlvxt4 wrote

I’ve been going to AC several times a year for a decade (some before that as well but with less regularity) and I have no idea why everyone is so damn negative on it. If anything it’s improved significantly - most of the casinos have seen non-gaming investment, there’s an indoor water park opening in/adjacent to the Showboat and they also have an indoor electric go-kart track and large arcade area, there’s (some) new construction around, Stockton has a campus there now, etc.

Sure, it’s still suffering the ill-effects of assholes like Trump trying to pilfer it without bothering to make any real investment into the city itself, but it still feels like it’s at least on an upward trajectory, even if it still has a ways to go