NonIdentifiableUser t1_j5juszd wrote
Reply to comment by b0b0tempo in Hit-and-run crashes hours apart kill woman in South Philadelphia, man riding bike in Kensington by hdhcnsnd
Have to imagine that all of the illegally parked vehicles on Oregon Avenue is a contributing factor to this.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j55tilk wrote
You love to see it.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j4t4up3 wrote
Reply to comment by DavidLieberMintz in Officials: Security officer shoots armed suspect outside of federal court building in Philadelphia by K1ngchip
Sometimes it is, but in general, yea I agree.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j4q92ao wrote
Imagine getting your house for free, being able to drive whatever car you want because that’s not counted against you when considering need for public housing, and then thinking you deserve free convenient parking as well. Holy entitlement.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j3lyupe wrote
Reply to comment by b_from_the_block in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
So they’re in the same building. The main part of the station is where Amtrak boards. There’s a ramp adjacent to the northwest side of the main hall that takes you up the stairwells that lead to the elevated regional rail platforms.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j3h8498 wrote
Reply to comment by User_Name13 in Announcement of how opioid settlement money will be spent in Kensington elicits mixed responses from community members by User_Name13
Nah to both of your questions . I don’t have the time to write a longer response right now (worked last night), but that’s why I said it needs to be part of a more comprehensive solution. There can be a happy medium where we lessen the load on first responders, save a few lives, generally positive things, while still heavily dis-incentivizing users and cleaning up drug-infested areas.
I hear what you’re saying but we don’t really know how people will respond until they’re at that point. Some people are like rubber and they bounce back, but others wont and they’ll just hit rock bottom and never return.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j3f2gbd wrote
Reply to comment by rossdowdell in Announcement of how opioid settlement money will be spent in Kensington elicits mixed responses from community members by User_Name13
I disagree that harm reduction isn’t worthwhile, but it needs to part of a more comprehensive solution.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j2dd6ns wrote
Reply to comment by alittlemouth in Engine revving near Logan Square by cray0508
Fucking boom cars man.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j26pija wrote
Reply to comment by Character_Macaron133 in Philadelphia mayoral candidates on gentrification: Parker, Gym, and Quiñones Sánchez talk solutions by outerspace29
Dude Fairmount has been around in one form or another since the earliest days of the city. It only became predominantly black in the mid-20th century. Demographics tend to be fluid and change over time, specific groups don’t get to dictate that they are the rightful residents of a specific area.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j1ulo7y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
I mean there are huge swaths of North and West Philly you should avoid if you’re able to, along with scattered spots in other areas. What’s your criteria in terms of budget, location, etc?
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j1ulf1v wrote
Reply to comment by mundotaku in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Don’t answer the door. They’ll move on
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j1ulbir wrote
Was this a profoundly altered person (aka drunk as shit) that just had no idea they were plowing through people? Dafuq?
NonIdentifiableUser OP t1_j1d5bpn wrote
I think I speak for everyone when I say WHAT THE FUCK
Submitted by NonIdentifiableUser t3_zte8hl in philadelphia
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j15opid wrote
Reply to comment by JWHISKY707 in Coming in 2023: A $25 million rooftop restaurant for the Union League by redeyeblink
The GOP created a “rule” and then completely ignored it so they were able to stack the court with conservative judges sympathetic to their agenda that also don’t even bother to hide their corruption. Totally unprecedented and totally antithetical to democracy. Executive branch power grabs are a problem but not exclusive to this administration and certainly not the same as the “win at all costs” motto of the current GOP. It’s no wonder we’re slowly backsliding into authoritarianism when half the county defends this bullshit.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j14b7rn wrote
Reply to comment by JWHISKY707 in Coming in 2023: A $25 million rooftop restaurant for the Union League by redeyeblink
That’s not the point. Philly is a mess of poor leadership, but the GOP, and by extension, its supporters in the Union League are somehow even worse. They are complicit in behavior that is decidedly anti-democratic such as the Merrick Garland nomination at the end of Obama’s presidency, and of course, the response of the party to January 6th. They have no moral high ground to try and lecture anyone on how bad cities and the (mostly) Democrat leaders are.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j141ezi wrote
Reply to comment by JWHISKY707 in Coming in 2023: A $25 million rooftop restaurant for the Union League by redeyeblink
Bro I don’t want to hear a peep about leadership from a place that hosted Trump in 2016, supported his re-election, and overall supports a political party that didn’t even put forward a platform at the last RNC.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j12jq2m wrote
Maybe they can convince their members to change the rhetoric from their side of the aisle that cities are irredeemable shitholes while they’re at it.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_izg1ubj wrote
Reply to comment by Away_Swimming_5757 in Fishtown, Point Breeze have become far wealthier in the last 10 years and other new Census findings by Dryheavemorning
Yep. The end result is one thing - you can disagree on what the best configuration is (though one is clearly preferable in every way exact for automobile throughout), but the way KJ handled the whole thing was so slimy. It’s pretty much his MO, hence the federal corruption trial.
NonIdentifiableUser OP t1_iz6wk7i wrote
Reply to comment by Mikeyg358 in Brick veneer vs painting brick versus other options? by NonIdentifiableUser
Thanks! Any suggestions on products and/or contractors for the work?
NonIdentifiableUser t1_iz50n89 wrote
I don’t have no plans to unless I was to get into a position where I’m likely to be targeted (i.e. store owner) and even then I’d likely keep it only where I’m likely to need it. Too much risk of negative outcomes otherwise. Frankly, it shouldn’t even be an issue, but the gun nuts in this country that have dreams of being the hero with a gun would rather have hundreds of millions of circulation, of which some are inevitably going to become illegal firearms used in the commission of a crime, than have actual sensible restrictions like every other comparable country.
NonIdentifiableUser OP t1_iz22o5b wrote
Reply to comment by ROTLA in Brick veneer vs painting brick versus other options? by NonIdentifiableUser
Did not realize you can stain. That may be a good option!
Submitted by NonIdentifiableUser t3_zdc9a1 in philadelphia
NonIdentifiableUser OP t1_j5koi3a wrote
Reply to comment by crispydukes in What are the chances that development pressure from Pennsport, Passyunk, and Lower Moyamensing continues to the middle blocks? by NonIdentifiableUser
I dunno man, I see shit happening north of Snyder but south of Passyunk too. Maybe slightly worse on the south side but there’s just general shittiness happening around that area.