NonIdentifiableUser t1_j8nst33 wrote
Reply to comment by frankoceansheadband in Why Are Philly Brands Flocking to the Suburbs? by Proper-Code7794
It’s a magazine written for the suburbs that, despite that fact, uses the name “Philadelphia.” No I’m not kidding.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j7qtk7c wrote
Reply to SEPTA on Super Bowl Sunday by TheyCallMeRon
Try SEPTA_social on Twitter, they’re very responsive and can probably answer this for you.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j7qmsjh wrote
Not sure why the article calls the MFL light rail, it’s most certainly not.
Submitted by NonIdentifiableUser t3_10tfli8 in philadelphia
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6z4r3l wrote
Hey guys look, another completely obstructed crosswalk. But sure, no big deal. Guess people walking on that side of 12th can just cross the street to get to other side of the cross street so the drivers have a shorter walk to their destination. Got it.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6xxfql wrote
Reply to comment by AviateGolfSki in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
This isn’t just about bikes, try being a pedestrian. Or do you never walk? Look at this fucking intersection I came upon in my neighborhood last week. Three of four crosswalks are completely obstructed by parked cars in the middle of the day. That’s absurd and fucking unacceptable.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6xc6wk wrote
Reply to comment by UndercoverPhilly in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
No this isn’t true at all. They did give them a directive to not pull people over for certain violations (which i think is misguided, but that’s a whole other issue), but they still can very much do mundane things like ticket illegal parking and stuff. They choose not to.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6x2g8g wrote
Also relevant: cop in crosswalk at 15th and Porter
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6x29eb wrote
Reply to comment by LFKhael in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
Absolutely. I don’t want anyone to get it twisted, this isn’t on the person making the delivery, but they should absolutely be ticketed so there’s pressure down the chain and people that actually have some kind of clout with city government start making noise.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6x18ya wrote
from today at 13th and Chestnut. There’s almost zero political will to tackle the car brained vocal voting bloc unfortunately. Following this thread to hopefully find some hope.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6omaha wrote
Reply to comment by WhereDaHinkieFlair in This is why you don't park like an asshole. As if the sanitation workers don't have enough to deal with. They tried for 20 minutes and gave up. Now this entire block has trash sitting here until next time. by Adventurous_Key3647
Ok but the solution isn’t to just shrug and accept things like having to walk your kid in the fucking street because some jerkoffs in Dodge Rams or BMWs have blocked three of the 4 crosswalks. Other cities have similar density and don’t have this issue.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6olszx wrote
Reply to comment by SouthPhilly_215 in This is why you don't park like an asshole. As if the sanitation workers don't have enough to deal with. They tried for 20 minutes and gave up. Now this entire block has trash sitting here until next time. by Adventurous_Key3647
This would just encourage more assholes to hoard more cars they don’t drive, or to continue to purchase unnecessarily large vehicles, both of which are a huge part of the issue.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6bs46w wrote
Reply to comment by beachape in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
There should be a mechanism for them to radio it in and have removal of fare evaders by police. There’s a way for all of these problems, just not the will. It’s infuriating.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6awwun wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
It’s not SEPTA’s burden to solve or even mitigate these problems. It shouldn’t be a controversial take to suggest that we should be able to take a train without worrying about being attacked, or stepping in excrement, or any other number of unpleasantries.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6auwij wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
I have no idea how you think you my comment is racist, at all. The fuck? I don’t have hard evidence that fare evaders are the main problem children on the trains but don’t pretend it’s an absurd assertion. A train fare is $2-2.50, and there are subsidized programs as well. Let’s not pretend the people jumping a turnstile are just down on their luck or some nonsense.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6atvf5 wrote
Reply to comment by FormalManifold in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
Do tell. I find it hard to believe that the people shooting up, smoking on the train, etc etc are paying riders. It’s comically easy to bypass the turnstile.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j6atmz1 wrote
Reply to comment by FormalManifold in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
I don’t think that’s the point. The same people that dodge fares are the ones that cause the most problems on the trains.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j61n5t5 wrote
Reply to comment by KenzoWap in FDR Park’s Southeast Asian Market will find a permanent home in southwest corner of park, city announces by urbantravelsPHL
Proximity to many of the SE Asian enclaves in the city, and also tradition, if I had to guess.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j5w67h5 wrote
Reply to comment by jbphilly in For anyone looking to buy a house in West Philly... by kingintheyunk
Haven’t you heard? The entirety of the 4th largest city in the country is a war zone. Duh.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j5rorm2 wrote
Reply to comment by funkyted in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
Temple and UPenn
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j5pl60y wrote
Reply to comment by Glass_Fensters in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
The belt line is pretty fucking cool, I must say. Minneapolis has a pretty sweet city trail system as well
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j5pkszj wrote
Reply to comment by go_berds in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
Imagine what the murder rate would look like without the two university hospital trauma centers that treat the clowns that shoot each other.
NonIdentifiableUser OP t1_j5ku65k wrote
Reply to comment by Ktroilo5 in What are the chances that development pressure from Pennsport, Passyunk, and Lower Moyamensing continues to the middle blocks? by NonIdentifiableUser
It was at 8th and Winton, but yea, today. Right before I posted this.
NonIdentifiableUser OP t1_j5kpe1o wrote
Reply to comment by Aromat_Junkie in What are the chances that development pressure from Pennsport, Passyunk, and Lower Moyamensing continues to the middle blocks? by NonIdentifiableUser
It actually looks like it’s up a block or so at Winton but yea T-Barr’s being shitty seems to be a common sentiment.
NonIdentifiableUser t1_j8nudt3 wrote
Reply to comment by nitronomicon in You have one day to change something about your neighborhood. You get whatever resources you need, but only 24 hours to complete your project. What do you try to tackle? by RoverTheMonster
We can and should do this in a grassroots way. Keep large jugs of water, soil, planters and whatever we want to plant in there. Have a discord chat or something to communicate, and whenever someone notices an empty spot, mobilize whomever is available in orange vests and plant that shit. What could anyone say about it? The parking there is technically illegal.
EDIT: I’m not kidding. Vigilante beautification since the city has absolved themselves of any responsibility for this.