NorseTikiBar t1_ixesb4l wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Can we lose that "Outside Dining" that takes up all the parking area across the district?! by eablacksmith
Uh huh. That is definitely something you've seen because it's so commonplace. Sure.
NorseTikiBar t1_ixerlrn wrote
Reply to comment by celj1234 in PSA: I feel like SissyGrace is getting aggressive... by CriticalMongoose8215
And then, just for old time's sake, she's heckling people about where to find a tailor.
NorseTikiBar t1_ixdmkhr wrote
Reply to Can we lose that "Outside Dining" that takes up all the parking area across the district?! by eablacksmith
Cities are for people, not for cars.
NorseTikiBar t1_ix04hsj wrote
Reply to comment by namastay14509 in Jumping the Metro rails is one of my pet peeves. How do we fix this? by [deleted]
Or it's that the sub has too many whiners.
NorseTikiBar t1_ix032z2 wrote
Reply to comment by Tammie621 in Jumping the Metro rails is one of my pet peeves. How do we fix this? by [deleted]
Be better.
NorseTikiBar t1_ix00l4y wrote
Step 1: build a bridge.
Step 2: get the fuck over it.
NorseTikiBar t1_ivzmrrz wrote
Feral cat colonies and "blue-collar" cats are very much still a thing.
NorseTikiBar t1_iumnch0 wrote
Reply to comment by _night_flight_ in Hirshhorn museum plans major renovation once sculpture garden reopens by Maxcactus
That's a funny way to spell the Department of Labor building.
NorseTikiBar t1_iuk1gd7 wrote
Reply to comment by ChubsBronco in D.C. Council members disagree on bill to rename street for Marion Barry by ChubsBronco
It sounds like the issue is really whether to do it via emergency legislation or through the normal legislative process (where 10 out 13 of the Council support it). The only reason for not doing it seems to be... Trayon decided to leave introducing this bill to the last minute, so it would have to be reintroduced next year.
That's a really dumb reason to move so quickly.
NorseTikiBar t1_iujb0bz wrote
Reply to comment by FamousConcert1220 in WaPo | Opinion: Elissa Silverman’s unacceptable conduct was not some minor violation by FamousConcert1220
I feel like using the "there are dozens of us" gif would be greatly overstating how many people on this sub feel the same as you.
NorseTikiBar t1_iubbupy wrote
Reply to Bars with pinball or arcade machines? by hikerjukebox
Lyman's Tavern has pinball. Bar Elena and its sister bar The Eleanor have arcade cabinets.
NorseTikiBar t1_iu6lzl8 wrote
Reply to comment by celj1234 in On fare evasion, what do you think the percentage of riders don't pay the fare? by therealsazerac
What are you talking about? Suburbanites in Loudoun County have their finger on the pulse when it comes to a city they go into maybe twice a year.
NorseTikiBar t1_iu4it34 wrote
Reply to comment by StillSoberingUp in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
DC Council =/= WMATA
NorseTikiBar t1_iu4iehn wrote
Reply to comment by Mecha_Jesus_03 in Metro Exploring Short-Term Fare Hikes And Long-Term Fare Overhauls by Maxcactus
"Bro" it amounts to something like 1% of their operating budget.
NorseTikiBar t1_iu3ce99 wrote
NorseTikiBar t1_itxrd6d wrote
Reply to Dive Bar with Great Food? 🍔 by Unstable_MF
Tune Inn. There's no other answer to this one.
NorseTikiBar t1_itsti65 wrote
Reply to Trick or treating by [deleted]
Halloween only changes days for adults looking to maximize their drinking in costume time.
NorseTikiBar t1_itrio4a wrote
Reply to Parking enforcement towed our (properly parked) car with zero notice for High Heel Race and can't tell us where they put it by cheetosandpups
Welcome to your introduction to "courtesy towing." As someone else mentioned, it's probably worth it to report it stolen. Then put together a map of about a half mile radius from where you parked it and check the streets. You will probably find it.
Then, you'll have to call the police to say that your car has been found, but given that somebody fucked up inputting the tow into the system, this generally provides a paper trail that will coincidentally make sure that any ridiculous tickets you find under your windshield wiper won't make it into the system either.
NorseTikiBar t1_itpzjx1 wrote
Like a phoenix rising from a sticky floor, intern-covered ashes.
NorseTikiBar t1_ith5zgn wrote
Reply to comment by Cozy_Roe in New 8000 series Metro trains will have heated floors and charging outlets by Yaratam
Literally never had the experience of DC Metro smelling like piss.
NorseTikiBar t1_it168vj wrote
Reply to comment by Fit-Negotiation-2917 in Car stolen, crashed with baby in back seat in Northeast DC; 14-year-old suspect arrested by drr71-2
In other words: "I'm happy that my side won, and I don't give a shit about the legal gymnastics that went into it."
NorseTikiBar t1_it164q4 wrote
Reply to comment by chickunsendwich in Why is it legal for us to have no representation? by throwawayobviousw
I mean, people living in London and Berlin have representation. This is just some hokey American shit where people with a 4th grade knowledge of civics lecture about how it's perfect because they've never bothered spending an iota of time thinking critically about it.
NorseTikiBar t1_it157ai wrote
Reply to comment by FlyJunior172 in Why is it legal for us to have no representation? by throwawayobviousw
> DC was also never intended to be a city that people lived in.
Uhhhhhhhh, tell the people living in the cities of Georgetown and Alexandria that.
NorseTikiBar t1_it025ws wrote
Reply to comment by asldkjgljkaeiovne in Car stolen, crashed with baby in back seat in Northeast DC; 14-year-old suspect arrested by drr71-2
> but I find it irrational to label Republicans as fascist, or semi-fascist, and ignorant, willfully or otherwise.
Then you must've just woke up from a 7 year coma.
> I'll name one example, the Roe decision, which by the way RBG would've agreed with the majority as she's stated numerous times she believed the Fourth didn't support.
That issue was solved with Casey v Planned Parenthood, but I shouldn't be surprised you're ignorant on the facts here, too.
> The Justices didn't say abortion should be illegal, they only decided the case law was faulty.
No, they decided to blatantly ignore precedent for partisan objectives.
NorseTikiBar t1_ixeufex wrote
Reply to comment by aoc_desantis_2024 in 'Ride For Your Life' Photos - Nov 19, 2022 ride from Bethesda to the Capitol by monkeyuprising
I feel like I generally see more far people of color riding bikes than white people (or at least a 50-50 mix) in my everyday life getting around DC, so it's always bizarre to me for someone to claim that it's primarily a white person activity.
Says more about what neighborhood you live in than it does biking itself, tbh.