
NosyargKcid t1_iu9h2dd wrote

That makes me curious as to what is it about this album (Midnights) that you like more than Taylor's usual stuff. You may be a fan of the recent "Jack Antonoff production" sound that has been getting big lately. Taylor Swift has had a multitude of different sounds for her career.


NosyargKcid t1_iu96s6p wrote

[Samson by Regina Spektor] ( Coupled with delicate delivery & beautiful emotional piano playing, it never fails to choke me up at least a little bit.

> You are my sweetest downfall

Just such a beautiful lyric to me for truly loving someone unconditionally.

>Samson came to my bed

>Told me that my hair was red

>Told me I was beautiful

>And came into my bed

>Oh, I cut his hair myself one night

>A pair of dull scissors in the yellow light

>And he told me that I'd done alright

>And kissed me 'til the mornin' light, the mornin' light

It's believed that this song is about loving someone who is dying from cancer (at least it's one interpretation) as hair loss is a common side effect of cancer treatments, but it also ties into the story of Samson in the Bible where him losing his hair took away the power of the "strongest man in the Bible". Her delivery also has almost a sense of a confessional or a tinge of guilt to it, like she didn't want to do it but had to, & Samson's forgiveness of her is shown in such a loving way. Just such a lovely song


NosyargKcid t1_iu7cgrv wrote

First off I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you & I wish you hope & healing for the shit you've had to go through & still are going through.

As for a few songs:

[Korn - Daddy] ( - Jonathan Davis was SA'd by his babysitter as a kid & his parents never believed him. The ending of the song is him breaking down & eventually his bandmates hugging him as they had no idea but just wanted to be there for their friend who was hurt.

[Petrol Girls - Touch Me Again] ( - Name speaks for itself. Some raucous punk about the topic


NosyargKcid t1_iu795m8 wrote

> I also randomly slow down and speed up without noticing.

Again, without hearing I could be way off, but what I'm guessing is that you're counting the "rhythm" as opposed to the beat. Maybe counting a down beat as an upbeat because it "feels" right. Would definitely try counting your favorite songs & just getting that down ad nauseam. Another thing would be if you're counting, clap or tap something to get that physical feeling as well of doing so. It will help it translate when you're not focusing on counting but still have the beat going on somewhere in your extremities.


NosyargKcid t1_iu77vmn wrote

It's hard to know what's exactly "wrong" without actually hearing you try it. Are you struggling to count eighth/sixteenth notes? If so, try counting to songs you already know without playing. Just listen to your favorite music & count them the whole way through. Also try switching it up between measures. Try counting a measure in quarters, then switch to eighths for the next measure, quarters for the next, then in sixteenths. Going back & forth between the two could help you identify them better & keep time

EX) 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - - | 1 - & - 2 - & - 3 - & - 4 - & - |1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - - |1 E & A 2 E & A 3 E & A 4 E & A | (repeat)


NosyargKcid t1_iu74v5i wrote

It's a subjective question ultimately, so you could be right with either. If you polled the world, my money would be on Hendrix as he's usually widely regarded as the best. The dude was a freak on guitar. He could play it four different ways (normal & reversed right handed & normal & reversed left handed), & was just great with the different tones & sounds he could elicit from his instrument. Page was great though as well, nothing being taken away from him.

I won't "tare" you apart for asking that, but I will for using "tare" instead of "tear"...


NosyargKcid t1_iu67xdq wrote

Regina Spektor’s [Becoming All Alone] ( is a song that’s been making me feel a bit wistful about life & the things I’ve done with my time here. Regina’s music always has such a human element to it with the small “cutesy” details or lyrics she’ll toss into her songs. Some people may not like her quirkiness but I adore it.

Edit: another one just for good measure since now I’m on a Regina kick, but [Samson] ( always brings a tear to my eye.


NosyargKcid t1_iu19bdr wrote

There is, quite literally, more music than ever being made on a weekly basis. What are your mediums of listening? Streaming sites have playlists catered to nearly every genre for new music, music review sites are releasing reviews for new music every week. Radio, especially rock stations, may play whatever is “safe” to get them hits/plays because it’s a fading medium & they are desperate for listeners (& the rock nowadays is so divisive & maligned by rock listeners which is choking the genre, but I digress).

> I am not speaking of Swift and such music, but real rock groups that play instruments, have real singers.

Ah never mind, this whole post makes sense now