NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mzbpr wrote
Reply to comment by ArchaeoJones in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
Thanks for the reply! I'm glad I twisted up your panties so much you had to waste 3 seconds of your day replying to me uselessly.
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mz8qh wrote
Reply to comment by gkrash in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
Why does everything have to come down to owning someone? I wanted to participate in DISCUSSION! I put my thoughts out there in reply to someone else's thoughts. As I said just now in another comment - we are on a public forum called Reddit in a sub-forum/subreddit dedicated to discussion of Pennsylvania, and on that sub, I had commented on a political post. I very much wanted to talk about it. I don't grasp the reasoning behind being irate about the GOP padding legislation, or some MAGA dude having an idiotic bumper sticker, or whatever, when we all know damn well liberals/Democrats do it too! So I made the comments, and yes, I hoped someone would reply substantively to discuss the subject. Would I make them see things my way, miraculously? Probably not. Would they make me see things their way, just as miraculously? Probably not. I'm just looking to discuss with the ends of understanding the opposing viewpoints. I'm sorry you saw it as me having an urge to just mega pwnzr those libtards who durka jerbs or whatever you think of me. Have a nice day!
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mysv1 wrote
Reply to comment by sensistarfish in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
I think I will, and then I'mma buy some stock in Kleenex. Does that sound like a reasonable plan to you?
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5myr93 wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
Lol those are two comments.... the others were removed, my man.... And the post I made that was removed from the sub, I just deleted off my profile anyway. Not worth it. But okay. Thanks for the reply, at least you tried.
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mymh3 wrote
Reply to comment by its_laps in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
It's absolutely not society's job. I am not setting up a "Come have a political fight with me" booth at your local mall. I came to a place, Reddit, that is intended for discussion, and within that place, I came to a specific place that is designed for discussion about something specific - Pennsylvania. Now, within this Pennsylvania subreddit, you often find political posts as well as photos of scenery and things like that. When I saw a political post and saw, within that political post on this Pennsylvania-dedicated forum, what seemed to be hypocrisy... I called it out. Now, I thought it seemed like a reasonable conclusion, if you will, that, being in this publicly accessible forum called Reddit, and on this specific Pennsylvania Subreddit, and specifically further on a political post.... I could expect someone to engage in a little bit of discussion about the subject. Instead, I got dismissal, and it seemed rather asinine, to me, that the liberally slanted political things always have a fair amount of upvotes and generate lots of burning torches and pitchfork-waving in the comments. For example, the post about the SUV selling loads of unvaccinated sperm had people all enraged over what the Op put in the title - Pennsyltuckyians (or however he spelled it). So, I just pointed out that it's not just your local-yocal hillbilly redneck Trump-hatter fellow that does dumb shit like put ridiculous bumper stickers on their vehicle. When most people look at a crowd of women with pink vagina hats on, it seems just as silly of a display as that bumper sticker. It's called perspective. You folks need it, badly. You do not ever consider a perspective that is not your own and by God, you sure are proud of your ignorance.
I have absolutely no idea in hell what you're on about with this game of opinion telephone, my man. I didn't formulate an opinions based on a game of telephone. If you point me to something specific I said instead of gesturing vaguely at the shadows, maybe I can help clarify.
Listen, snowflake, I don't know if you felt better calling me a snowflake and ranting about my temper tantrum, but I sure hope you did. Thanks for wasting your time to reply, I'm glad I've taken the time out of your day so you could express your rage lol
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mx1h4 wrote
Reply to comment by Tony0502 in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
Okay, thanks for the valuable perspective! I'm sorry you feel that way. If you ever care to have an actual talk with me, hit me up. Otherwise, take your BS and piss off :)
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mwu9q wrote
Reply to comment by spartacuscollective in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
When did I claim that "no one can oppose" the GOP being asinine? I pointed out that both parties pad legislation with partisan pet projects. I didn't say no one could be outraged at the GOP for doing it; I merely meant to say it's hypocritical, at best, to fault one party and not the other when they do the same thing. Make sense? It's so common, it has varying terms. See: or
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5m8pfv wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_Fraunces in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
Hey man.... I'm just a little perturbed. I saw something that stood out to me as an example of hypocrisy by the leftwing, so I tried to demonstrate exactly why I felt that way. I don't like when people basically look at something and go, "That's dumb," without telling me why they feel that way about something I feel differently about. I'm not saying it isn't your right to just dismiss whatever it is and walk away with, "That's dumb." If that's what you want to do, so be it, but then yeah, I'm going to get a little bit irritated that no one is conversing with me rather than just dismissing me. In many circles, outright dismissal (especially with negative feedback such as a simple Reddit downvote) is considered rude. Why does it surprise anyone to see me get a little heated when it seems people are being rude? Because I challenged your political position?
But yeah, so I tried to demonstrate my point as best I knew how (dripping with sarcasm), and not a single person there for a while wanted to do anything but just dismiss. I did react badly, but my reaction came after I had comments removed for seemingly no reason than strong language - the same strong language that came at me, so I thought it was acceptable.... I did post a meme to ask the same question, and that post disappeared from the sub, so I can only imagine it was moderator action.
Oh well, I was just here to discuss some politics and it sure seems I have caused some anger by simply challenging viewpoints. What a shame. I'm in no need of an online therapist though, so.....
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5m4eyb wrote
Reply to comment by its_laps in Pennsylvania House Republicans want to be called back to vote on constitutional amendments by themollusk
My dude up there said, quote, "It seems like the Republicans are attaching several amendments to the bill that would further their political agenda." I merely asked if he believed that Democrats have never done that? If you can't connect the logical dots from a person saying 1 party does something to me asking if they believe the other party doesn't do that same something, then we're not going to get anywhere.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5m3piu wrote
Reply to comment by its_laps in Pennsylvania House Republicans want to be called back to vote on constitutional amendments by themollusk
At least my question made logical sense following what had been said. Not a single thing I said leads to me defending those who abuse children. If you really feel that question was appropriate, have a nice day, don't bother replying!
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5m3jpi wrote
Reply to comment by Er3bus13 in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
If you were taking a math test and the question was "2+2=?" and you kept putting 4 but then being told you're wrong but without anyone caring to say anything about why they feel you are wrong..... yeah, I think you'd feel a little angry, too.
I'm just looking to discuss things, sensibly. Every time I post a comment asking something basic or trying to show a simple point, it gets downvoted (and some have been straight up removed by mods, because I guess words cause physical pain...) but no one cares to comment and challenge my position. It seems to reinforce my feeling that I am right in my position if no one is capable of reasonably refuting it, you know? If we chat and come to this point where we can't agree and that's all there is to it, that's one thing. But if you hear a challenge to your position, downvote it angrily and move on.... who is the angry one, really?
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5m2h0z wrote
Reply to comment by susinpgh in Pennsylvania House Republicans want to be called back to vote on constitutional amendments by themollusk
That's the thing though... it is both parties and pretending one is more guilty than the other is naive at best. I can go online right now and find dozens of examples of overloaded Dem bills. Come on, man. You're pretending.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5m0v0r wrote
Reply to comment by susinpgh in Pennsylvania House Republicans want to be called back to vote on constitutional amendments by themollusk
>And no, I don't think Democrats are completely innocent of some of these things.
>The Republicans in PA have practiced this and other ham-handed policies for quite awhile, though.
You either accept both parties have done it since the dawn of this nation, or you're basically a hypocrite. There's really no way around that. If you want to point fingers, the further back you go in history, the harder it is to prove who did "wrong" first.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5lzhie wrote
Reply to comment by susinpgh in Pennsylvania House Republicans want to be called back to vote on constitutional amendments by themollusk
>It seems like the Republicans are attaching several amendments to the bill that would further their political agenda.
Is your position really meant to imply Democrats have never packed blubber into their bills? Just want to make sure I understand your position before I attack how asinine that is.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5k42va wrote
Reply to comment by Flimsy-Lie-1471 in They don’t call it Pennsyltucky for Nothin’, ya know. by Outrageous-Divide472
Bro, Democrats do dumb shit, too (There's the MAGA-hats and the vag-hats). And you pretending that the original, actual patriots don't love their country is one of the most asinine tidbits of misguided Reddit wisdom I've ever stumbled upon. Be real, dude.
Edit: Uh oh, someone would rather block me than have a real talk that might open their little eyes lol Imagine the irony of a username "Flimsy Lie" as he touts GOP folks being the only dumb ones lmao
Edit for u/dirtypawscub who got to reply some garbage but to whom I can't reply (Is a moderator that asshurt or what??) Children scared by scary words. Pathetic. You don't get to say what someone else loves. I'm sorry, you don't have that power.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5jwmro wrote
Reply to comment by Flimsy-Lie-1471 in They don’t call it Pennsyltucky for Nothin’, ya know. by Outrageous-Divide472
Lol wow bro. The delusions are real. The us vs them. Way to play into it. You've taken the politicians' bait hook, line, and sinker.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5jwhcn wrote
Reply to comment by Olive_Mediocre in They don’t call it Pennsyltucky for Nothin’, ya know. by Outrageous-Divide472
Agreed. You can't expect to pay full price when you have to wash them and test them yourself.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j5jwaij wrote
Reply to comment by SopranoRocker2010 in They don’t call it Pennsyltucky for Nothin’, ya know. by Outrageous-Divide472
That's only like a day or two worth of retail theft for the average heroin junkie, tbf
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j1iky5q wrote
Reply to comment by Bleedthebeat in Where history has been fought by RedTomatoSauce
I am not a combat veteran, but I have been forward deployed in the Navy. If it's hard for me to explain what happens during a deployment to friends and loved ones, holy fucking shit... I can't imagine how hard it would be for an actual combat vet to talk about it.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_j1iknrb wrote
Reply to comment by vile_things in Where history has been fought by RedTomatoSauce
>werewolf commando
Heh. I was doing some quick reading about them, and they were trained at Schloss Hülchrath. If you go to their current website (the castle, not the werewolves lol) - and use Google translate - you get this greeting:
>Schloss Hülchrath is the perfect place for your celebration. As soon as you enter this extraordinary event location, you will not be able to escape the fascination of the history of bygone times. The desire to discover more is awakened and rewarded.
I know it's a tiny skid mark on the history of that castle, but I still chuckled at the unfortunate context of that when I looked it up.
NotTRYINGtobeLame t1_izk5cud wrote
Reply to comment by AFD_0 in Pennsylvania marijuana pardon project: Relief benefits fewer than expected by Kunphen
I don't understand who set that rule... it says the governor cannot unilaterally issue pardons, but I thought the pardon power was fairly broad and unilateral?
And also, I thought this was interesting, too:
>But, Goldstein added, that narrowness in scope is the nature of executive pardons, whether they are gubernatorial or presidential. President Joe Biden’s marijuana pardon proclamation from October, for example, is similarly narrow, and only clears the records of people who were convicted of simple possession of marijuana under federal law from 1992 through 2021. That move affected about 6,500 people...
NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5mze3k wrote
Reply to comment by PGHNeil in I made a post attempting to illustrate liberal hypocrisy and it was removed. It seems every time I challenge someone's liberal stance, I get my comments removed or the post removed. Wtf mods? by NotTRYINGtobeLame
Thank you for the most reasonable reply in this thread. Peace to you as well. Thanks for the kind words.