Notmystationbro t1_jb5msxy wrote
Reply to comment by ZoqY in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Fact is Dems push Green Energy and complain when prices rise. Insanity.
Notmystationbro t1_jb4dmio wrote
Reply to comment by dietchaos in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Well Biden took credit for when he lowered gas prices this summer so you tell me?
Takes credit when they fall but remains silent when they rise. Hmmmm
Taps into our reserves🙄
Notmystationbro t1_jb47tx5 wrote
Reply to comment by JohnBrownEye69 in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Funny how we had cheaper gas, cheaper heating oil when republicans are in charge.
Notmystationbro t1_jb47qwm wrote
Reply to comment by JohnBrownEye69 in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Biden and cheap gas? Haha thanks for the laugh
Notmystationbro t1_jaxvh0a wrote
Reply to comment by mlo9109 in You know you live in Maine when... by DisciplineFull9791
I split time between Denver and Maine and first year I was out there I saw a 1990ish Chevy Cavalier Z24 on the road and my mouth dropped. That vehicle in Maine would’ve been recycled into a lawn chair 20 years ago. Nothing rusts out there due to low humidity.
Notmystationbro t1_jawuf4x wrote
Reply to You know you live in Maine when... by DisciplineFull9791
Your 2 year old vehicle is already rusting
Notmystationbro t1_jaeztvh wrote
Reply to comment by Wooden-Importance in I just spent $97 on two bags of groceries. by JustAGreenDreamer
Still doesn’t change the fact that the administration has blocked all these drilling sites on federally owned land. It’s all there in the article. Just because they’re backed by Koch doesn’t make it less true.
Here’s Joe Biden himself speaking to a crowd about ending fossil fuels.
You say president doesn’t determine oil and gas prices but yet Biden himself takes credit when they go down when we opened up our reserves.
Notmystationbro t1_jaewrof wrote
Reply to Boston could be first municipality to require stores, restaurants, and hotels to donate leftover food by bostondotcom
Been saying this for years and never knew why most restraints never did. When I worked for Darden back in 2004-2007 we used to donate the leftover food to food pantries and churches.
Notmystationbro t1_jaewipr wrote
Reply to Electricity Maine price jump? by Glum-Literature-8837
Elections have consequences.
Notmystationbro t1_jaevzjl wrote
Reply to comment by Wooden-Importance in I just spent $97 on two bags of groceries. by JustAGreenDreamer
Funny how we never had this problem with the previous administration 🤷♂️.
You do know oil/gas are traded on a global market correct? Price is determine by supply and demand.
Notmystationbro t1_jaetqff wrote
Reply to comment by derpmcperpenstein in I just spent $97 on two bags of groceries. by JustAGreenDreamer
Corporate greed wasn’t causing grocery bills going sky high Pre-Covid. Transportation costs (ie price of diesel) go up so do price of goods. Inflation and Fuels have driven everything up.
Notmystationbro t1_jab98ha wrote
Reply to comment by plasmatoaste in I present to you; the Northeastern Winter Backup Cam by AndiWhyte
Adjust your side mirrors correctly and you’ll eliminate your blind spots
Notmystationbro t1_jab960p wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in I present to you; the Northeastern Winter Backup Cam by AndiWhyte
Exactly. Some people got to lazy nowadays to turn their heads around but have no problems looking down at their cell phones hours a day
Notmystationbro t1_jab915c wrote
Reply to comment by hike_me in I present to you; the Northeastern Winter Backup Cam by AndiWhyte
Always comes down to cost
Notmystationbro t1_j9rc5od wrote
OP is a Karen
Notmystationbro t1_j9puu8u wrote
Reply to I fucked up at a red light by Exact-Ad4764
That experience should now motivate you to invest in a dash camera.
Notmystationbro t1_j9pn52w wrote
Reply to comment by nixiedust in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
Says the crazy cat lady
FYI Florida is the top state people have moved to in 2022. 😉
Notmystationbro t1_j9pmsol wrote
Reply to comment by nixiedust in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
I work as a manager at a corporate restaurant but points for trying to project me as a low paid employee
Notmystationbro t1_j9piyq3 wrote
Reply to comment by nixiedust in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
Why would I fight capitalism? I worked all my life to get an excellent job and have an awesome family. I have a great 401k and benefits. How has capitalism treated me unfairly?
Notmystationbro t1_j9pgh9z wrote
Reply to comment by nixiedust in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
Oh I’m stupid for calling out the elites who purchase expensive waterfront properties, who buy luxury yachts, use private planes etc while preaching to us how climate change is a threat and we should not be dependent on fossil fuels etc? Im sorry but I don’t give a fuck what these people say who don’t practice what they preach but some people like yourself take their words as gospel. Rules for thee but not for me is their motto.
Edit- FYI people don’t purchase real estate to lose money, especially ocean front property. It’s called an investment. Also he tells the public that the coastlines will be under water in x amount of years while purchasing waterfront property. You can’t make this shit up! 🤣
Notmystationbro t1_j9pbo5n wrote
Reply to comment by giddy-girly-banana in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
No mention of elites buying shoreline property I see? Can’t question Obamas decision to do so right? I guess Democrats get a pass in your eyes
Notmystationbro t1_j9ozqj9 wrote
Reply to comment by giddy-girly-banana in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
Yeah because if that’s truly the case no bank would ever give out a home loan in those areas. 🙄
Is that all you have for a rebuttal?
Ah yes, the unmasked elites and their masked servants. Weird how the guys that keep telling you the seas are rising due to climate change and oceanfront property is going to be underwater seem completely unconcerned about it. Take Barry for instance, he told us that climate change was gong to have coastal city's underwater and yet he bought three properties, two of which are directly on the waterfront. Weird...almost as if climate change is a complete hoax and a grift.
Obamas has a multi million dollar house in Hawaii on the beach
Notmystationbro t1_j9owl6t wrote
Reply to comment by somegridplayer in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
Well I guess a lot of Americans are stupid for moving to Florida just for the weather. You do realize that Florida is the most moved to state in the country right? Weather is just a bonus. Read it and weep.
Simple google search my guy
Notmystationbro t1_jb5po88 wrote
Reply to comment by JohnBrownEye69 in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
What does indigenous people have to do with oil? My god you’ve been brainwashed by your idiotic teachers. You people see race in EVERYTHING and it’s such a weak argument.