Notmystationbro t1_j5r7rtu wrote
Reply to comment by TarantinoFan23 in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
Hence why the planted a shit ton of trees
Notmystationbro t1_j5r7mvn wrote
Reply to comment by SobeysBags in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
All rich people use tax loopholes written by both parties to avoid paying “x” taxes
Notmystationbro t1_j5r3tg6 wrote
Reply to comment by fredezz in Remind us again why CMP is doubling and worse our electric bills? by easy_peasy_woeisme
Because it’s traded on the open market. How much crude oil has been drilled in 2022 vs 2020?
Notmystationbro t1_j5r3hxg wrote
Because its mostly powered by fossil fuels and this administration has an agenda on ending fossil fuels. Hence the price. Supply and demand. Never had this problem until 2021. Price of oils regulate everything we purchase from electricity to food. Higher costs equal higher rates
Notmystationbro t1_j5pi4mn wrote
Reply to comment by plaidprowler in Alternatives to oil heat? by infinite_zero
You stay ignorant because this came from the idiot in chiefs mouth. Why do you think oil is so high under this green energy fossil fuel killing administration?
Notmystationbro t1_j5mwh89 wrote
Reply to New Haven Board of Ed. security officer fires gun at teen who was breaking into his car: PD by EasyE0287
Scary times when the property owner gets treated like a criminal more than the criminal themselves. Fuck these lax DA’s and start making examples of these punks and give ‘em hard time.
Notmystationbro t1_j5loyda wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Got a quote for a ductless mini split.. $48K for 1300 sq. ft. house. Too much? by EuclidsStairs
You get what you pay for with those H2i units. I did the same.
Notmystationbro t1_j5lopvs wrote
Reply to Got a quote for a ductless mini split.. $48K for 1300 sq. ft. house. Too much? by EuclidsStairs
You’re getting robbed. Whoever quoted you that post it here so they can be shamed on their social media page if they have one. Ridiculous
Notmystationbro t1_j5loeu0 wrote
Reply to comment by King_O_Walpole in Alternatives to oil heat? by infinite_zero
Riiiiiight ✌🏻
Notmystationbro t1_j5lepf0 wrote
Reply to comment by kesagatame-and-Chill in Found this while scrolling by Pvrb80
You sound like a wicked downer
Notmystationbro t1_j5ldhzq wrote
Reply to comment by King_O_Walpole in Alternatives to oil heat? by infinite_zero
Found the Pedo sniffing Biden voter
Notmystationbro t1_j5k47ta wrote
Reply to comment by King_O_Walpole in Alternatives to oil heat? by infinite_zero
That Maine green bud got you messed up if you think oil is cheaper than it’s been all winter. Remember just a few years ago when it was affordable until Joe came around and declared war on fossil fuels?
Notmystationbro t1_j5hh89a wrote
Reply to Despicable by KermitThrush
Notmystationbro t1_j584g7d wrote
Geothermal? The upfront cost is ridiculously high.
Notmystationbro t1_j57lvd1 wrote
Reply to Inspection Sticker Tints by Itchy_Elderberry5940
Just get the legal tint approved by the state and no problem.
Notmystationbro t1_j53vjg3 wrote
Reply to comment by Cost_Additional in [ Removed by Reddit ] by [deleted]
Notmystationbro t1_j4t3o0e wrote
Reply to comment by Junior_Wrap_2896 in republican trolls in ME newspaper comments sectons by Junior_Wrap_2896
And a Karen who says she’s not trying to doxx him, but yet wants to find out who he is 🙄
Notmystationbro t1_j4szuiq wrote
Reply to comment by FITM-K in republican trolls in ME newspaper comments sectons by Junior_Wrap_2896
Well OP must be old since they’re using it too
Notmystationbro t1_j4o7iz8 wrote
Reply to Landlords/apartments to avoid? by slut-cemetery
Stay away from 1-5 streets at all costs
Notmystationbro t1_j4npm86 wrote
Reply to Vehicle hit by train after bypassing lights, gates on Allen Avenue in Portland by mainemariners
Play stupid games…
Notmystationbro t1_j4f70bi wrote
So Antifa free ?
Notmystationbro t1_j4f6xj4 wrote
Reply to Will our beautiful state be overrun by climate migration from others? by DisciplineFull9791
Why would anyone listen to a computer wizard when it comes to climate and human nutrition is beyond ridiculous to me.
Notmystationbro t1_j4e2a7n wrote
US should adopt what Canada has done and ban every overseas country from buying mass properties. But we all know or should know that a lot of the politicians on both sides are bought and paid for
Notmystationbro t1_j5r7zdt wrote
Reply to comment by truththeavengerfish in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
And in 100 years from now when those trees are mature to cut down they’ll plant more and the cycle repeats itself. You do know that trees are a renewable energy right?