NotoriousREV t1_j9uwk1k wrote
Reply to comment by -holdmyhand in TIFU by not knowing what a penis looks like by nstav13
Honestly, it would depend on who’s doing the checking and why.
NotoriousREV t1_j8xp77y wrote
Reply to comment by _GABO_ in Couple celebrates 57 years married despite multiple murder attempts by _GABO_
It’s annoying and ruins the flow of the story. There’s no reason not to refer to them by their first names after the first use of their full names. Common sense over style guide.
NotoriousREV t1_j8xjnzn wrote
Why on earth did the writer have to use their full names every single time he mentioned them? We get it, their last name is Toto!
NotoriousREV t1_j6oudfp wrote
Reply to comment by jeffmack01 in The last hour of Cast Away is devastating and beautiful by PastMiddleAge
I’m not even going to read that wall of self-serving text.
NotoriousREV t1_j6odhde wrote
Reply to comment by jeffmack01 in The last hour of Cast Away is devastating and beautiful by PastMiddleAge
Arrogant, aren’t you? No interest in arguing? You’re the one who started the argument. Personally I thought it was a discussion, but some people clearly have such fragile egos they can’t stand to be disagreed with.
NotoriousREV t1_j6oc64b wrote
Reply to comment by jeffmack01 in The last hour of Cast Away is devastating and beautiful by PastMiddleAge
He kept that one box in readable condition without a waterproof box but nothing else? Hmm, I think there may be a slight flaw in your reasoning. Either he’s found a way of keeping stuff safe, or he hasn’t.
You also need to go and rewatch the scenes where he’s collecting the boxes and, later on, when he starts to open them.
NotoriousREV t1_j6mjixi wrote
Reply to comment by 05110909 in The last hour of Cast Away is devastating and beautiful by PastMiddleAge
You literally see him meticulously keeping the address labels in the movie. It’s part of who he was. The package must be delivered! Look again at the items he has. He’s literally delivering one of the packages to the ranch in the final scene.
NotoriousREV t1_j6me7ss wrote
Reply to Imagine the aftermath. by phillydog1
For sale: 1 well used Love Rug, buyer removes. Needs long bed pickup as it won’t roll up or fold.
NotoriousREV t1_j6mc2wc wrote
Reply to comment by McSmackthe1st in The last hour of Cast Away is devastating and beautiful by PastMiddleAge
He was trying to give the items back to the people they were intended for. He replaced Wilson for them, not for him.
NotoriousREV t1_j68dl42 wrote
Reply to comment by 21y15d in The neck of my guitar after 15+ years of regular use by SisterBucket
He only practices chromatic scales
NotoriousREV t1_j649ng5 wrote
Hard to clean and with a risk of food poisoning?
NotoriousREV t1_j3ruyvl wrote
Reply to Florida burglars spotted driving pickup with ‘stolen tag’ written on cardboard, deputies say by passionsnet
Only commit one crime at a time.
NotoriousREV t1_j2j7b33 wrote
We’ve had a water leak near us, on the main road, for over 3 years. They’ve made 2 previous attempts to fix it, which failed. When we had the cold snap just before Xmas it created a skating rink across the road so they actually came and tried again to fix it, which looks to have worked so far.
I can’t help but think that taking less than 3 years to fix a considerable leak would save a shit load of water and doesn’t require any fancy new technology to be invented.
NotoriousREV t1_j0qeju0 wrote
Reply to comment by nautical_sea in World’s first net-zero transatlantic flight: Fly London to New York on used cooking oil. Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines will power the airline's flagship Boeing 787s as they fly from London to New York in 2023. by Zee2A
You’ve tried to argue it’s not a serious R&D attempt, and you’ve argued that Airbus are doing it wrong, all in order to avoid saying “Wow, I didn’t know that, I was wrong”. That’s not a discussion.
I don’t know you, but I’d be certain that Airbus have considered this far more deeply, and with far more expertise than you have. If you want argue it, you need to argue with them. I’m sure they’ll appreciate your valuable input.
NotoriousREV t1_j0qcjhu wrote
Reply to comment by nautical_sea in World’s first net-zero transatlantic flight: Fly London to New York on used cooking oil. Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines will power the airline's flagship Boeing 787s as they fly from London to New York in 2023. by Zee2A
Take it up with Airbus, given you seem to have all the answers.
NotoriousREV t1_j0q9w8i wrote
Reply to comment by nautical_sea in World’s first net-zero transatlantic flight: Fly London to New York on used cooking oil. Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines will power the airline's flagship Boeing 787s as they fly from London to New York in 2023. by Zee2A
They hybrid part is using hydrogen fuel cells to supplement the power with electric.
NotoriousREV t1_j0p6lok wrote
Reply to comment by nautical_sea in World’s first net-zero transatlantic flight: Fly London to New York on used cooking oil. Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines will power the airline's flagship Boeing 787s as they fly from London to New York in 2023. by Zee2A
>what on earth makes you think that they’d re-adopt a volatile gas that combusts with 1/10th the energy of gasoline?
Probably the fact that aircraft manufacturers are actively adopting it?
NotoriousREV t1_iuhbhdh wrote
Reply to comment by Theexecutioner1000 in UK politicians demand probe into Liz Truss phone hack claim by AmethystOrator
I’m not sure she could ever truthfully be described as an asset.
NotoriousREV t1_iud5ojw wrote
My handy guide to The Simpsons:
- 4:3 = best
- 16:9 = OK
- 16:9 HD = getting worse
- Guest animator couch gag or later = awful
NotoriousREV t1_iu4v3sa wrote
Reply to comment by GaijinFoot in TIL bicycle brakes in the UK are reversed from the US and Europe by UlisKromwell
The PG Tips version
NotoriousREV t1_itpddk0 wrote
Reply to comment by talldeadguy in What was the first sitcom without a laugh track or live studio audience? by Pink_Pens
When I first watched MASH in the UK it was shown on BBC2 in the 80s and all episodes had no laugh track. Then in the 90s it got shown again in Sky One with the laugh track and, frankly, it ruined it. I found it unwatchable.
NotoriousREV t1_itl4m16 wrote
Reply to Study finds brain changes associated with ADHD remission. As the brains of those with ADHD mature, some individuals may repetitively engage in strategies that compensate for symptoms. These repetitive behaviors may result in the brain changes seen in those who went into remission. by Wagamaga
As an adult, diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 44, apparently illegal drugs and alcohol are not considered appropriate strategies.
NotoriousREV t1_is9nwg6 wrote
Reply to comment by noheroesnomonsters in Channel 4 buys painting by Hitler – and may let Jimmy Carr destroy it by kianworld
That’s a…very different show
NotoriousREV t1_jegrjxb wrote
Reply to With age, every sport becomes an extreme sport by kattmaskinen
I’m 48. Last Saturday I laughed at something on TV and trapped a nerve in my neck.