
Nyrfan2017 t1_j68817j wrote

There is away and it’s by emailing and calling elected officals it’s by when civil rights groups have a plate form now with social media start endorsing candidates and stating what officals are not supporting the cause and getting thousands to vote them up . That’s how change will happen.


Nyrfan2017 t1_j687ijj wrote

Yeah .. so change is happening these officers are starting to be held responsible .. I think the next change that needs to be made is as someone mentioned there should be a lis to hold the posisition and that lis should have required annual training mental health reviews and stuff ..


Nyrfan2017 t1_j61rr13 wrote

Please get this done officals once this is done it will make Ct a better place I mean we won’t have affordable electric rates.. won’t have low crime . Won’t have . low taxes .. our transportation system won’t be state of the art … but atleast we have pizza .. fix the real issues or prepare to be voted out end of your term


Nyrfan2017 t1_iy62jly wrote

Not to get into a pissing match .. the north situation he reacted when no other cop around that car did .. also they had him pinned and he was going no where til this day it blows my mind how they all got out and just ran to that car.. legit that video of north should be shown in all training classes of slow down and look at the scene .