Whether or not photons have mass, is still debatable and not 100% verified.
And sound waves consist of stuff that have mass. Otherwise there wouldn't be a wave in the first place. Particles move around in a wave-like pattern --> Sound. That's why in a particle void atmosphere, there wouldn't be sound as well (in space for example)
OKishGuy t1_jeexm49 wrote
Reply to Technically everything we see and hear is massless, since photons and sound waves don't have any mass. by OwenIsSecretlyJesus
No, just no.
Whether or not photons have mass, is still debatable and not 100% verified.
And sound waves consist of stuff that have mass. Otherwise there wouldn't be a wave in the first place. Particles move around in a wave-like pattern --> Sound. That's why in a particle void atmosphere, there wouldn't be sound as well (in space for example)