Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jan7q80 wrote
Reply to comment by EarthBoundBatwing in [OC]Health Expenditure is a tale of two worlds! by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Wow, Do you have the visualisation output from that?. Will be good to see.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jan6vhe wrote
https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/jiiQA/1/ (for interactive use)
Made with Datawrapper using Ourworldindata source.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jalsvjx wrote
Reply to comment by gaban_killasta in [OC]The Pay Gap difference visualized across occupations (Check link for details across geographies) | https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/Noiz2/5/ by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Not what I meant. This is purely a statistical measure. If you calculate the same numbers for a small county, You will have more biases than when you do it for a country. So, even if I add more biased counties, the national numbers will not be impacted much.
What you are asking is more information , which is sadly not available. Will dig deeper in the future.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jaln6wu wrote
Reply to comment by gaban_killasta in [OC]The Pay Gap difference visualized across occupations (Check link for details across geographies) | https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/Noiz2/5/ by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Statistically if you average it out, you should reduce bias. But, it won't eliminate the same. Also, such data is not available at a global scale.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jalmlix wrote
Reply to [OC]The Pay Gap difference visualized across occupations (Check link for details across geographies) | https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/Noiz2/5/ by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Follow-up to the previous post ( ILO data visualized using Datawrapper)
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jaii0f2 wrote
Reply to comment by navigator_janitor in [OC] Petrol consumption in India by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Generally if you go upwards in Altitude, petroleum consumption is higher for heating solutions, Also you may be right - on the security forces, plus the public transportation is minimal - so private transportation might take up more.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jaialy0 wrote
Reply to [OC] Petrol consumption in India by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Petrol planning and Analysis department of India, made using Datawrapper.
Per capita = total consumption/population.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jaherbt wrote
Reply to comment by Kesshh in Gender pay gap difference in select geographies [OC] by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Interesting. The graph is ordered by the highest %gap. Ethiopia has the highest % gap. But it would be unfair to highlight that considering their pay is well below the world average.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jahelqd wrote
Reply to comment by capybara_from_hell in Gender pay gap difference in select geographies [OC] by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
It's not the case, the graph is ordered by %gap. Ethiopia has the highest %gap.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jaheico wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Gender pay gap difference in select geographies [OC] by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
It's the ILO data. They don't cover all geographies. For the ones they cover, some of them don't have enough data vintage. So excluded them.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jahe9aq wrote
Reply to comment by laufhannes in Gender pay gap difference in select geographies [OC] by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
However the ordering is by % gap basis. I did want to suggest that Ethiopia has a big problem, when the earnings irrespective of male or female is extremely low compared to World average.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jah91tc wrote
Leaving geographies with sparse data (lower representation across sectors). Made from International labour organization data using Datawrapper.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jaco81f wrote
Reply to comment by touchedbyadouchebag in The Key trade partners for India [OC] by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
By default my system gets the formatting using the Indian system. Which is 00,00,000 . In the above case One Lakh, twenty five thousand , eight hundred and thirty four crores.
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_jach327 wrote
The data is from Finance ministry India website . The tool used ( plain old Excel)
Ok_Acanthisitta5799 OP t1_janc1ca wrote
Reply to comment by st4n13l in [OC]Health Expenditure is a tale of two worlds! by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
Just the polars on the chart that are significant. The interactive chart is supposed to give all details on hover.