
OneGoodRib t1_j7wxndf wrote

You being serious? This sub hates sitcoms and most shows that are aimed at people who aren't men aged 15 through 40.

But the premise of this show sounds lame as hell and apparently Damon Wayans Sr is a piece of shit so the downvotes aren't as stupid as they normally are.

Unless of course you remember that downvotes are for content that is irrelevant and news posts about tv shows are never irrelevant in r/television.


OneGoodRib t1_j2czgof wrote

How does copyright increase the likelihood of films being lost entirely? Most films that I know of that are entirely lost would be public domain by now anyway because they're from the 20s, and they're not lost because they're copyrighted, rather because nobody bothered to preserve film back then, or else the only known copy got destroyed in a fire.

People can't even argue about the Disney vault anymore because they pretty much stopped "once it's in the vault it's gone forever" like 15 years ago, and especially don't bother with it now that Disney+ is a thing.


OneGoodRib t1_j27t723 wrote

The actual premise of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is that an old west town of gold miners built their town on a cursed Indian burial ground and now the spirits of nature are haunting the village, which drove out the miners from the area and has resulted in an insane haunted mine train that's possessed by ghosts. I know that sounds insane, but it's the actual premise.

I like in Disneyland Paris they tied Thunder Mountain in with Phantom Manor - that many of the ghosts in Phantom Manor are the ghosts of people from the Big Thunder village who died, and part of the backstory involves some big mining tycoon whose business was ruined by the nature spirits destroying the mining town?


OneGoodRib t1_j231uq9 wrote

The first ad I saw for it I thought "Oh this is going to be another one of their animated sci-fi movies that completely bombs at the box office and nobody likes it except for a small but vocal group of big fans who will call it underrated for the next 40 years."

They definitely did a shitty job of marketing it. Not one ad made any hint as to what it was about other than "three people in a weird place".

I'm guessing that with this and probably also Lightyear they figured the movies weren't going to do well anyway so they might as well save the ad budget for something else.