
OnionCityChives t1_j2wrjia wrote

Metal prices are at all time highs, and then there are the logistics of moving a 2 tons 20' container (over 4 tons if you get a 40' container).

Chickens also require ventilation and light - possible but not easy in a sealed metal container.

Sorry, but I suggest wood. Lots of people sell old coops this time of year after deciding not to over-winter their flock.


OnionCityChives t1_izc14dl wrote

Are you sure? I thought the arcade (Alladin's Castle) was behind Kay Jeweler's / where "Trinity Educational Center" is now (the entrance that directed you to the food court).


Edit: I'm going down the rabbit holehttp://mall-hall-of-fame.blogspot.com/2008/05/physical-layout-circa-1989.html


AMES / STEINBACH / Aladdin's Castle video arcade / Anderson-Little / Athlete's Foot / Belden Jewelers / Ben & Jerry's ice cream / Brooks / Casual Corner / Cherry, Webb & Touraine / Chess King / Claire's Boutique / Designs by Levi / Earring Tree / Field's Hosiery / Foxmoor Casuals / GNC / Gordon's Jewelry / Great Expectations / Hersheldon's / Hickory Farms of Ohio / Hilson's Home Center (outparcel) / Howard Bank (outparcel) / International Coffee / Kay-Bee Toys / Kinney Shoes / Lechter's housewares / Marianne Shops / Martin's Food Center (outparcel) / Musicland / Papa Gino's / Pearle Vision Center / Perkins Landing / Pet Menagerie / Radio Shack / So-Fro Fabrics / Spencer Gifts / Stuart Simon men's wear / Suzanne's Hallmark / Tape World / This End Up / Thom McAn Shoes / Waldenbooks / Wendy's hamburgers  


OnionCityChives t1_iui7bto wrote

Reply to Accurate by seanner_vt2

If you think Burlington is bad now, just wait until the landlords pass on the price of the new $230M high school. That's not even baked into rents yet.


OnionCityChives t1_isxqze1 wrote

Hi there, I was building a similar spreadsheet to yours when I stumbled upon this "heat pump balance point" tool that Efficiency Vermont put together. It's much better than anything I could have come up with. Check it out.

"This Heat Pump Balance Point Tool was developed to help contractors find the proper balance point based on system capacity and economics. The balance point is the outdoor temperature at which the heat pump no longer has the capacity, or is no longer the most cost effective option to heat a building.
By entering data into the input cells on each tab of this simple spreadsheet users can find the outdoor temperature at which a dual fuel thermostat will change heating systems."
