Target sublets or owner-managed apartments, smaller landlords, people with decision making capabilities. without an income or significant assets/savings and a good (650+ FICO transunion/equifax/experian, not credit karma or chase app or something that uses alternative scoring) credit score, you're going to be instantly rejected by larger corporations/management companies. Owner-operated properties tend to put more weight on judging your character. be up front with what you have and what you don't have. good luck.
OpticalInfusion t1_jeccggp wrote
Reply to Trying to find a place to rent by [deleted]
Target sublets or owner-managed apartments, smaller landlords, people with decision making capabilities. without an income or significant assets/savings and a good (650+ FICO transunion/equifax/experian, not credit karma or chase app or something that uses alternative scoring) credit score, you're going to be instantly rejected by larger corporations/management companies. Owner-operated properties tend to put more weight on judging your character. be up front with what you have and what you don't have. good luck.