
Optimized_Orangutan t1_j24y9gx wrote

Vermont does have a limit on the "number of drinks" a bar tender can hand to a single customer in a single transaction. The "number of drinks" is not determined by the number of glasses or bottles but by the number of individual servings of alcohol. Long island ice teas can contain 4-5 servings of alcohol. They might actually be illegal for bars to serve in Vermont. Like with any liquor license/regulation enforcement can vary wildly from area to area. Bars/restaurants that have strikes on their records are far more likely to follow the law to the letter due to higher levels of scrutiny.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j1ea6pb wrote

Tip one:. 4 wheel drive is not all wheel drive. It should not be activated at highway speeds. 4 wheel helps you go, it doesn't help you stop. If you can't go that fast without 4wheel you can't stop fast enough in it to be traveling that fast.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j13rqih wrote

My uncle was a state rep at the time and he is the one who brought me to meet the senator. I brought this up last night with him. He cracked up as he informed me that one of the "more important people" was Governor Dean. This just brings my respect level up even higher.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iyd523r wrote

I threw my Alexa out when they started pushing suggestions I don't ask for and generally making the product shittier. "Listen to my command-> execute the task -> shut the fuck up" should be the flow chart for all interactions. I replaced 90% of what Alexa did for me with an egg timer and a radio. They don't talk back or push adds on me.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iwm3w1t wrote

So that will discourage them from making the signs to begin with. Malloy getting his ass handed to him despite his mad sign game is all the case study we need to know that they are a massive waste with no practical upside... So fine them enough where it's not worth even making the signs to begin with and we get both of those birds stoned at once.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iv5ajtv wrote

>Like willoughby foliage

This. The great thing about the Willoughby gap area and especially the steep face of Pisgah is the variety of colors and the changes over time as the reds and oranges of the lower altitude maples give way to the bright yellows of the beech and birch trees at higher elevations mixed with the green of the pines. It's never at any point all orange.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iu4k2kg wrote

I used it to make fun of the original poster, but you will see the accounts parroting Putin/fox news propaganda using it a lot. It's projection like usual. Convince the rubes spreading your lies that everyone else are the crazy/stupid ones and there is less chance they will realize it's actually them.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_isy4lq0 wrote

why? Another principle of sales, once you have their money you don't give it back.

Edit: if not getting that 10 bucks back means you don't enter... then the filter is doing it's job. it's not their job to maximize enjoyment for people who don't want to pay, it's to maximize profits from the event for the venue and the vendors.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iste3ra wrote

In sales I refer to this as a "Buy in" filter. They have a capacity they cannot exceed, they don't want to waste space on lookeylous and bored people just being there to be there. Their vendors want to maximize their exposure to paying customers, not just their exposure. Charging a cover fee stops the "we'll walk around and not buy anything because walking is free" crowd. Means people who are inside wanted to be inside bad enough to spend 10 bucks.