Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iyn1moy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hunting rifle laws in CT and disposition when someone passes by [deleted]
Boot licker. Did you tip them? Those guns went home with one of the cops you know. They didn’t melt them down then turn them into playground equipment if that’s what you think.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iyn1dzq wrote
Do not give them to the police. They will just take them home with them. Sell them. No it’s not a big deal and not illegal. What sort of guns BTW? Make and caliber? Maybe folks on here could give you suggestions on their value so you don’t get ripped off.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iye4xae wrote
Trenton. Boston.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iydy670 wrote
Reply to comment by B6304T4 in The Ninety-Nine gets 86'd. by TrashPandaShire
Uh then get ready to be happy. Google “dead malls” and try to contain yourself.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iydw1kf wrote
Reply to comment by DarkGemini1979 in Police: Pistol, shotgun stolen from two cars in Trumbull just minutes apart by jaydecay123
Where did you get that info? Usually insurance only covers permissive drivers. Every policy in CT includes an uninsured/underinsured policy though that covers you if the other guy doesn’t have insurance.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iydvq3z wrote
Reply to comment by AquaNines in Police: Pistol, shotgun stolen from two cars in Trumbull just minutes apart by jaydecay123
If I was a bad guy looking for a gun or ammo that’s the cars I’d hit.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iydvmz0 wrote
Reply to comment by Pruedrive in Police: Pistol, shotgun stolen from two cars in Trumbull just minutes apart by jaydecay123
You really think it was even locked?
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iy9j7ns wrote
Reply to what's the best way to get from new york to i-91 without sitting in traffic on i-95/i-84/merritt parkway? by zar1234
Swim to New Haven.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iy9iu7c wrote
Reply to FBI working with Norwich police to investigate targeted hate messages toward Sikh community by BeerJunky
Well I’m sure they will find the perpetrator because Sikh and ye shall find.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_ixzrunx wrote
It sounds like the trooper was holding onto the door. The Connecticut State Police must have training sessions where they learn to automatically portray themselves as victims no matter what happens. We ought to disband the Connecticut State Police and break up and let local police departments have their jurisdiction.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_ixj7q2r wrote
I thought the solar panels on our roofs was supposed to fix this? Oh and what’s this you want us to buy electric lawn mowers, chain saws and CARS? And you want us to replace our oil and gas furnaces and stoves for… electric? The fix is in folks.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_ixdfis4 wrote
Reply to comment by Ordinary_Guitar_5074 in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Car crashed and the killer rifle got away.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_ixdfgdt wrote
Reply to comment by HighJeanette in Vehicle pursuit, Hartford, with AR15, just crashed by guesthost1999
Obviously the other way around you idiot!
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_ix6q3eh wrote
Reply to comment by mikedip3 in Silver City; near the geographic center of CT (taken in the 1940's) by ILovePublicLibraries
It’s still there.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iwj0avb wrote
So what if you have a Ring camera but I don’t know that and while I’m standing on your porch waiting for you to answer I’m talking on the phone to someone else and your Ring camera records that? Did I consent? Are you liable under the eavesdropping statutes?
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iuisl7u wrote
Reply to comment by choite in How do you think the 5¢ nip tax is going? Have you seen less of these little bottles all over the place? by MongooseProXC
I didn’t know that. I thought they just came in cardboard boxes like cases of beer. I find the cans all the time. I collect them and bring them to the Lions Club by the garbage bag full.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iuijgc5 wrote
Reply to comment by choite in How do you think the 5¢ nip tax is going? Have you seen less of these little bottles all over the place? by MongooseProXC
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iug9erh wrote
Reply to comment by maybe_little_pinch in How do you think the 5¢ nip tax is going? Have you seen less of these little bottles all over the place? by MongooseProXC
I meant that I see fewer of them blowing up and down the road or caught in trees.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iuf8fq0 wrote
Reply to How do you think the 5¢ nip tax is going? Have you seen less of these little bottles all over the place? by MongooseProXC
I didn’t realize this had started. See them out front all the time. I do see fewer plastic bags blowing around these days.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iuf2qj0 wrote
Reply to anything interesting to do today? by shoeshouuu
Nope. Maybe tomorrow.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iuavw0x wrote
Reply to comment by Max1035 in When is trick or treating? by Captain_SpaceRaptor
Rain days? We would go out even if it snowed.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iu79smj wrote
Send FOI requests to your local police departments.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iu6ulw5 wrote
Reply to I’m blind by soulofsoniy
I think it’s one of those driving behaviors that comes in waves. A few years ago I noticed an uptick and chocked it up to that people were realizing that you can get away with it and everyone will assume it was just an accident. A few years before that while living in Hartford I noticed a trend where people would put in their hazards then just run a red light. Then after a while I just stopped seeing that behavior. It’s strange but people act in these ways through some form of social modeling I think?
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_itsk3aq wrote
Reply to Fewer people want to be Connecticut officers, recent violence against police may be to blame by lokitdwn
It’s always the victim line with a police headline. MaYBe ItS RecEnT vIoLenCe? Yeah maybe it’s because you can’t escape being bombarded with videos of cops acting like assholes, abusing their power, getting arrested, assaulting people, etc etc etc and young people are finally seeing policing for what it really is instead of the TJ Hooker television version of it. Fewer young people want to be cops? Good.
Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_iyn6xn0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hunting rifle laws in CT and disposition when someone passes by [deleted]
That’s illegal and unethical. I hope for your sake they use them to threaten their spouses.