Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1u47i6 wrote
Reply to comment by asunflwr in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
i haven't found anyone saying that but that's not good at all. I understand that tho, i'm not a native-english speaker either and haven't read some classics in english for that reason, my concern was more about the content we're consuming and no so much about the books you're reading even if i put a very obvious example
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1u3nh7 wrote
Reply to comment by After_Mountain_901 in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
i'm completely agree! i have to clarify i'm not following these people but i've seen them appearing sometimes in my fyp/tl with the same arguments. I don't know why people think that being critical with what we consume is the same than going and tell those consumers that they're stupid, you can be a respecful person and being critical and being curious about the things you consume I think is super important to have responsability at the time to recommend and defends books if you're a big youtuber you have a big influence, i gave the most obvious example bc that authort have been critique a lot for not being ethical and i find worrying that so many young people is reading her books without any advice or critique
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1u2apg wrote
Reply to comment by After_Mountain_901 in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
thanks :)
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1s422g wrote
Reply to comment by kqtey in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
i'm agree with the first part, i don't think i'm better than anyone. but genuinely asking, what are exactly you're winning with Colleen Hoover books? if you're an adult and you want to have some joy reading them is okay i guess, i'm obviously not forcing anyone to read anything but my only concern is that these kind of books that romanticize abusive/toxic relationship are most reading by teenagers and i feel that is important to have some responsability if you're recommendig something like that.
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1ryc30 wrote
Reply to comment by Brandosandofan23 in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
i think you got the point and explained better than me that my first language isn't english and get confused with words easily haha
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rw4wz wrote
Reply to comment by Brandosandofan23 in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
maybe i've been very little time in this sub reddit lol
i know not everyone wants to read or think in a critical way or something but i feel that in every form of art there's always some parameters that are important to have in mind, it wouldn't have sense to study or discuss any of this if everything is completely subjective this doesn't mean that people isn't allow to enjoy books but idk, I feel that what we consume is important and to say that all books are the same and that everything is subjective to me is minimize the importance of the authors' work
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rtjt5 wrote
Reply to comment by impossiblepants in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
Same, I used to read a lot of fantasy books and like 3 shadowhunter books and then I gave up too but that helped me to look for another kind of book, there's nothing wrong if I kept reading those books, i just think is good to improve and read new things with the time
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rsfgk wrote
Reply to comment by skullfullofbooks in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
that's true, some people just read for the joy of reading and that's okay, thanks for suggestions :)
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rs2tx wrote
Reply to comment by AngelDeath2 in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
completely true, i also wonder how this works in editorial world, how all these books became best sellers so quickly? i'm sure some of them have a strong fan base, lovebable characters and other reasons but i don't explain with other books
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rodaj wrote
Reply to comment by dawgfan19881 in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
same tho, i would never go directly to someone and tell them that the book that they're reading is bad except that they ask for my opinion
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rmzni wrote
Reply to comment by HauntedReader in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
you're right! i guess is also something that writters can development
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rmo75 wrote
Reply to comment by MDeneka in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
i'm literally asking for better ways to improve my critical reading and also asking for opinions lol, maybe i didn't explain good but i just think is something curious how reviews work in some platforms and how have a bad opinion of a book means directly that you're being condescending
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1rj5bv wrote
Reply to comment by DickieGreenleaf84 in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
i think that's great but lately i've found a lot that there's no any type of criticism and the reviews are kind of flat
Organic_Rock_6974 t1_j1rarx1 wrote
Reply to Do you find yourself reading more non-fiction books and less fiction as you get older? by disruptivelychill
Yes! I used to read a lot of fantasy and fiction, but I started to get bored quickly, i also found that i could find those things that i used to love as a teenager in other type of literature that is mostly better written and more complex, there are some amazing fiction books for sure but is not my type of book anymore, reality is so weird sometimes that you can find some amazing stories that still transport you to different places and realities
Organic_Rock_6974 OP t1_j1uibmm wrote
Reply to comment by symbolicowl in do you think that with media (booktok and booktube) we are losing critical thinking? by Organic_Rock_6974
you're right, it also depends of what you consume cause algorithms works fast if you don't "filter" your content and thanks for the recomendations, i find myself having some insecurities of not knowing how to express my opinions of books, movies or whatever even if is just for myself and obviously sometimes i just want to read for the join of read but i also want to have arguments and opinions of books that i like, also for the joy of find new things in them