
Overall_Falcon_8526 t1_iu820qu wrote

Bass is hugely important in classical music, and it baffles me when people consistently recommend bass-light cans for the genre.

Why not just take away a dozen instruments while you're at it?


Overall_Falcon_8526 t1_ittwxzv wrote

Of course this is impossible, but if a person were only given 5 minutes to evaluate a headphone, they should pick something in their favored genre that they are familiar with and is recorded impeccably. So for me (a classical aficionado) I guess it would be this digital recording of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Karajan/Berlin Philharmonic:


It has wonderful detail, rich bass notes, and it's just fun to listen to.

But the real answer is that I have 20+ go-to tracks across many genres, because 1 simply isn't enough. There's so much to check. Percussion, sub-bass tones, male and female vocals, instrument timbres, synthetic sounds...


Overall_Falcon_8526 t1_it9jv5s wrote

  1. Most people can't tell the difference between 320kbps and lossless. If your files sound good they should be fine with any equipment. Although I have mostly CD quality FLAC, the 320kbps MP3s I have sound equally good.

If you want to take the test yourself, try this : https://www.npr.org/sections/therecord/2015/06/02/411473508/how-well-can-you-hear-audio-quality

  1. Great cans will sound good with good files (which it sounds like you have). The transducer is the most important physical part of any setup (whether it is speakers or headphones) and should be the first thing invested in.

  2. You should be hesitant to buy anything over, say, $500 from a purely audio quality standpoint. In my opinion, what you're buying past that point is build quality and comfort. That is just my opinion of course, so take it for what it's worth.

FWIW, I think the best deals for new cans below 500 bucks are the Dan Clark Aeon headphones on Drop (open and closed), and the Focal Elegia headphones on Adorama. You can find good deals on lightly used cans as well.