I havent gone to school in 4 weeks because i cant move or get out of bed in the morning to get ready. My entire body is so exhausted every day. I dont know what to do anymore because i don’t have any income and how am i going to get a job when i cant get up. I feel like ive wasted my best years, im 18 and I have a couple friends but they live far from me. My friends at school are nice but i feel disconnected from them. I still feel so lonely and i feel like i wish i had a friend group like the movies. My mum walks away from me when i talk to her and she gets distracted all the time and i feel like i have no one that really wants to talk to me.
P3ACHTEAS t1_itor9lv wrote
Reply to [image] you're doing the best you can. keep going and keep moving forward :) by ttoffee
I havent gone to school in 4 weeks because i cant move or get out of bed in the morning to get ready. My entire body is so exhausted every day. I dont know what to do anymore because i don’t have any income and how am i going to get a job when i cant get up. I feel like ive wasted my best years, im 18 and I have a couple friends but they live far from me. My friends at school are nice but i feel disconnected from them. I still feel so lonely and i feel like i wish i had a friend group like the movies. My mum walks away from me when i talk to her and she gets distracted all the time and i feel like i have no one that really wants to talk to me.