PACubsFan23 t1_jbxx8e3 wrote
Reply to comment by BEHodge in Any scenic route(s) from DC up to the Pocono Township area? by CrownStarr
Ah, thanks for the update! Bummer
PACubsFan23 t1_jbxx6zc wrote
Reply to comment by Allemaengel in Any scenic route(s) from DC up to the Pocono Township area? by CrownStarr
Ah, thanks for the update!
PACubsFan23 t1_jbxvi2w wrote
That route will be mostly 4-6 lane highway…and is quite boring. If you don’t mind some highway, head through Baltimore up 95 to Philadelphia, then take 611 North to Stroudsburg. Depending on where in the Poconos you’re going, you can grab 80 there. The drive from Philly to S-Burg up 611 is awesome
PACubsFan23 t1_jazaatd wrote
Reply to comment by Adept-Ad-661 in I’m a PA mom who is suing my children’s school district over this shocking curriculum by dissolutewastrel
Ain’t that the truth!!
PACubsFan23 t1_jaoqbq8 wrote
Reply to I’m a PA mom who is suing my children’s school district over this shocking curriculum by dissolutewastrel
I work in a school, so let me get that out there from the start.
- SEL has always been in schools in some way, just more specific these days because of several reasons A. Kids are emotionally and socially “different” as a result of the pandemic. B. Some Parents are not holding kids accountable for their actions in school, and have consistently bashed schools & teachers with ridiculous claims & misinformation they’ve heard on Fox & others
- Schools do not indoctrinate kids. We discuss issues that kids bring to us, and try to help them navigate their thoughts, feelings and emotions. It’s a slippery slope, but in some cases…we’re the only ones they can trust.
- Per latter part of #2 above, some kids want to discuss topics with us because they feel they can’t discuss those topics with their parents.
- Public Schools are not Religious-based, so if your child or you as a parent want that, check yourself into a parochial school.
- We want to partner with you because if there’s a disconnect…the kids get confused & we have mass chaos.
It’s not about us Vs. them…it truly isn’t. But if we have kids who don’t value others, treat each other with respect & kindness, follow rules & respect the adults…we’ll have no chance of teaching them anything.
PS - I find it odd that most people who claim schools are indoctrinating kids & pushing all of these “scary” things haven’t stepped foot in a school for years. Instead of going on the news, suing districts, ranting on social media…go get your teaching degree & sub or get a teaching job. You can “fix it” from within if it’s truly broken - There is a teaching shortage in PA! But we all know that doesn’t fit their narrative so 🤷
PACubsFan23 t1_j7mss01 wrote
Having grown up close to SC, there was some discussion back in the 80’s & 90’s about it, but from what I can recall, the existing rail lines in nearby Bellefonte would not be able to handle the load of Amtrak. It’s a historic railroad, and is rarely used. To lay new tracks to SC, along with the work to cut through or over the mountains to Tyrone, were/are costly. Would love to see it happen, though!
PACubsFan23 t1_j48j9qi wrote
Historic downtown Bellefonte is worth the trip - Talleyrand Park, Courthouse, etc. Maybe not overly exciting for the kids, though.
PACubsFan23 t1_j302jzh wrote
Reply to Recently moved to PA. Keep seeing little holes in the ground in my backyard. Some kind of animal? What should I do? by nopoliforme
Squirrels digging up the nuts they buried over the summer.
PACubsFan23 OP t1_j26pw10 wrote
Reply to comment by CuriousMaroon in For all that is right in the world, time to take down the signs! by PACubsFan23
I’m complaining about all of them, regardless of the party. By my last comment…2020 was over 2 years ago, time to move on. I don’t see Biden/Harris or Obama/Biden signs, flags, etc all over the place or I’d complain about them, too.
PACubsFan23 OP t1_j24uf5q wrote
Reply to comment by NewAlexandria in For all that is right in the world, time to take down the signs! by PACubsFan23
More people definitely are saying “fuck off” now than ever before, that’s for sure. Dems have seemed to be more willing to venture towards the center-right on issues than the other way around, which coupled with candidate choice, pulled moderate Repubs to vote D…so although I see your point, I’ll go back to my original post & reiterate that I don’t see the need to keep yard signs up all year around & beyond…just to “own” others (if that is their intention).
PACubsFan23 OP t1_j24p5sl wrote
Reply to comment by NewAlexandria in For all that is right in the world, time to take down the signs! by PACubsFan23
I would disagree. I don’t think anyone is persuaded by yard signs. I think it’s people low-key saying “look at me”! It is a battleground state, but leaving yard signs in isn’t a way to “keep momentum” when most of the signs I see are from the losing side. Just MO
PACubsFan23 OP t1_j24er9i wrote
Reply to comment by SunOutrageous6098 in For all that is right in the world, time to take down the signs! by PACubsFan23
I’ve seen a couple of those around - love them!
PACubsFan23 OP t1_j241kf9 wrote
Reply to comment by Nugget814 in For all that is right in the world, time to take down the signs! by PACubsFan23
I’ve been tempted, but I don’t want people I know to see me & think I voted for some of these people :-)
PACubsFan23 OP t1_ixotmgr wrote
Reply to comment by ItsjustJim621 in Thanksgiving Day Tradition - the 99th annual “Turkey Day Game” by PACubsFan23
PACubsFan23 OP t1_ixo870r wrote
Reply to comment by Allemaengel in Thanksgiving Day Tradition - the 99th annual “Turkey Day Game” by PACubsFan23
Behind the school/field…the old Atlas
PACubsFan23 OP t1_ixnrom6 wrote
Reply to comment by ianrwlkr in Thanksgiving Day Tradition - the 99th annual “Turkey Day Game” by PACubsFan23
You’ve obviously never been to the Atlas Museum and learned from Mr. Pany!
PACubsFan23 OP t1_ixnfkda wrote
Reply to comment by BEHodge in Thanksgiving Day Tradition - the 99th annual “Turkey Day Game” by PACubsFan23
They are the Konkrete Kids, yes. The spelling of Konkrete comes from the German spelling, which was what most of the people who worked in the local cement plant were. It’s been spelling that way since pre-1940’s. It doesn’t have anything to do with the KKK, or any racism whatsoever
PACubsFan23 OP t1_ixndbmw wrote
Reply to comment by SeaPoem717 in Thanksgiving Day Tradition - the 99th annual “Turkey Day Game” by PACubsFan23
Steam from the CoGen plant nearby. Wife said it looks like a snake
PACubsFan23 OP t1_ixn5obi wrote
Reply to comment by zorionek0 in Thanksgiving Day Tradition - the 99th annual “Turkey Day Game” by PACubsFan23
An alumni game would be awesome, but no doubt there’d be some fists flying at some point
PACubsFan23 OP t1_ixn57y0 wrote
Reply to comment by zorionek0 in Thanksgiving Day Tradition - the 99th annual “Turkey Day Game” by PACubsFan23
I’ve heard a couple rumors - bringing back many of the alumni for a pre-game honor walk, moving it to a neutral location (I’ve heard Muhlenberg, Moravian, J Birney), and a week-long celebration including a parade. I also heard they’ve reached out to ESPN to do some sort of coverage, similar to what they did for Easton-P’Burg a few years ago. Just hope it doesn’t end after #100
PACubsFan23 t1_jcir26j wrote
Reply to Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
Alive and well just north of the Lehigh Valley - and it’s sad